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Thread: Dating Talk!!! Where do YOU find your dates???

  1. #1
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    Dating Talk!!! Where do YOU find your dates???

    Hello friends

    I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread and create discussion on where do US (The dating community) find our dates at times when we find ourselves single...

    Where do you go to to find dates, which "techniques" do you use to attract dates and what REALY works for you???

    I'll start with me. I find dates through three different avenues:

    a. Work - I really take my time to get to know the person and become very very good friends before progressing the relationship further (Very easy to loose you reputation at the work place if things go wrong). A great place for opposire sex companionships because you pretty much get to see the person everyday and swap jokes and stories.

    b. Clubs and social gatherings - Not for the faint hearted. Coming up to people and starting conversation may not be everyone's cup of tea and one should always be prepared for those nasty rejections when you get no contact number in the end. But its fun. You do meet wanderful people this way and the dating after you DO get a contact number can be very entertaining.

    c. Internet - Very easy to get started and to get to know the person before you actually DO meet them in real life. Can meet some very interesting people this way with a lot of compatibillities. One of the short comings is not to let emotions to take control before you DO meet in real life. It's very easy for face to face relationship to not be the same as the chat relationship and very easy for things to NOT work out.

    Well, I guess there's always an option of posting your phone number in the newspaper and see what that fishes out, but I think that would be too daring even for someone like me

    Please remember this talk is about "DATING" and not "RELATIONSHIPS". I think relationships should be very monogamous and once you do find somebody and you make committment to that person, thats when all the dating has to stop...

    Please describe your experiences... I look forward to a very interesting discussion!!!


  2. #2
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    I dont find them, they find me..and if they dont then I probably will not care as I dont know what I am missing.
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  3. #3
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    1. Friends of friends
    2. The net, although these people tend to be contacts with a friend of mine most of the time

    Though like OV I don't really chase, I let them chase me if they are interested, only way to keep a 100% success rate

  4. #4
    bluesummer's Avatar
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    Yeah, like OV said.

    I've never had the experience of having to go out and find a date....so I guess if it ever gets to the point where I have to, I'm going to be really screwed.
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  5. #5
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    well theres co-workers , customers from work ,co-workers daughters , theres also friends , a Gf's friend brings some of her friends over , strangers (very rare) its funny because when i was with my Gf (my ex now) i used to get so many girls checking me out (and my ex being VERY pissed at them ) and now that im looking , they dont really notice anymore ( i guess some of them dont even bother unless the guy draws lots of attention >>> hence the girls like assholes type )

    but i dont really go after them (unless theres hints of interest) .you get more attention like that , instead of running for the girls like most guys , your different so they notice that .
    Last edited by Late_vamp; 29-08-05 at 02:10 AM.

  6. #6
    Ellynn's Avatar
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    Somewhere out there...
    I used to find people at work......but now considering I work with mostly females......that doesn't work.

    I find dates on the net.....thru friends of friends......

    I haven't had alot of luck......
    I've met all the WRONG people......
    Appreciate the good times and learn from the bad times....

  7. #7
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    school....i've never held a job w/ ppl my age..so yeah mostly school
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  8. #8
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    Poor Ellyn...

    As long as you know that each WRONG guy, brings you closer to finding Mr. Right

    He's there somewhere waiting for you to find him (Or looking to find you)

    I personally don't mind a bit of chasing, i think it can be a lot of fun. Good way to look around for someone who you think is right for you and i don't think its hard at all (Just need a lot of determination and patience). If anything i think it builds up your confidence and you find a lot of friends (Outside of your normal comfort zone).

    Thank you for your responses everybody. Please keep them coming!!!
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  9. #9
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    It is my advise not "fish off the company pear" I have done that in the past, it usually turns out bad... Especially if they get the wrong impression of you...

    I reallu don't like the idea of using a paying dating internet site, I have found some free sites, but they usually get smart about it and start charging when they realize what a success it is.

    Most of the time I find people when I am doing normal everyday things, such as getting gas or at the grocery store...
    They may forget what you said, but, they will never forget how you made them feel ...

  10. #10
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    i admit tho , most opportunities show up when you least expect it , like just browsing stuff in a store , waiting at the bus stop , just taking a walk .

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