I am still in school, but I'm leaving shortly and this involves my ex-boyfriend of two months and my so-called "best friend". It's kind of a long story but I'm going to try my best to shorten it because I really need help.x.x.x

In the beginning, it was amazing. Me and my ex-boyfriend had known each other for a year and a half and he really started feeling me towards the end of December. He took me out on a date on New Year's Eve so that I'd have an amazing last day of 2008. He was really, really sweet; he took me ice-skating with all his friends and it was so romantic because he didn't care about any other girl there or his boys, he still held my hand on the ice and kissed me on the ice and all of that.

So we started going out now. And he took me to meet his sister, his two female best friends [who are both older than him]. I got on really well with them and they were excited to meet me because they'd never met any of his girlfriends before. They said they really hope I stay because they liked me. He took me on several dates but I was a little unsure at first.

Something told me something might go wrong because it was random the way he suddenly found interest in me after a year and a half but I thought people grow on people so it must've just grown. On Valentines day he took me to the cinema and then to eat and then to a park and although it was late at night he really wanted to stay with me. I asked him if he was happy with me and I told him that if he wasn't, I would be cool with it as long as he told me then. Beause I still had my guard up and I was really scared to let it down. He said to me he was definitely happy with me. So I thought he must've been for real because he's the kind of person who doesn't hide how he feels..

But then after Valentines day, he kind of distanced himself from me. We never spoke on the phone as much admittedly, we did speak alot during the 1st month - like every night on the phone and during the day etcbut it wasn't just me; it was his idea to be on the phone so late for so long.

He stopped talking to me properly. I tried really hard to make conversation but it's hard to make conversation when the other person isn't trying to talk. All the sweet 'i miss you' texts and 'i really like you' saying disappeared. I thought, okay, maybe the moment of lovey-dovey time has faded. Like you know when you just get married and you're really in love on the honeymoon and then you come back to normal - i thought maybe it was that

But then he broke up with me. Now I was confused. He told me he was happy but then he ended it??? He said 'he didn't want a relationship anymore'. I didn't think it was a suitable reason but he wasn't giving me an alternative.

- - - As if this wasn't bad enough. The same week as the break up, my so-called best friend was telling me she was going to do his hair. I was thinking why? She asked me to come but i wasn't ready to see him. -in the end she never done it.

- - - A week or 2 later, they're in each other's MSN names, they have pictures together meaning they've met up without telling me. I was angrier with her because I could've expected it from given that I now classed him as the stereotypical immature boy who plays games, but she was supposed to be my friend, right??

Everyone told me to beat her up, but I tried to handle it the right way and so I just spoke to her about it and told her that she was being a slag and that she was out of order. She was actually acting like a slag because she'd been with so many boys since the beginning of this year.

- - - They both said they'd lay off each other. He said sorry to me and that. I went lighter on him because i know he's really friendly and his female best friend who i met assured me that he didn't like her. && Then i saw him - and when i said bye to him - he kissed my cheek????

I don't know if he still likes me or what ??? I still like him but he's given me no explanation and no reason??? And everything doesn't add up? Like why we broke up??? I wouldn't mind as long as he told me what i done wrong?

If anyone has any questions or you don't understand something, just ask and i'll answer 'cos i know this is long.x.x.x.x.x