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Thread: Will there ever be another chance?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Will there ever be another chance?

    Hi people i'm new here and kind of need some input on my situation...

    Basically ive dated this girl... We broken up twice. The first time was due to my insecurities with her ex. She got fed up and left.....around this time i got nothing from her she was like emotionless... cared nothing about me and she was just having fun and living her life in greece over the summer.

    Well it came to the point where i was getting on with my life got my confidence back and got back on track, then she messaged me. She asked if i still missed her and long story short we got back together.

    We had been practically living together we see each other day in and day out... and i made mistakes... I got bored/lazy/comfortable. Anyway i didnt treat her right and the majortity of time she was upset... I was nasty in messages and didnt correct my past mistakes on what i made with her the first time we broke up...now shes broke up with me again.

    But this time shes still in love and has feelings for me but she cant take being in a miserable relationship. I let myself down. I love this girl dearly and i want to show her that i shouldnt of taken her for granted and for us to work.

    Ive accepted the breakup and her choice but i really want her back....do you think down the line she will message me asking me back? or is it gone for good?

    Thanks for any input...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    What are your insecurities about? Why do you have them?
    Why did you break up the first time?
    Why don't you suggest couple's counseling? But it sounds like you would benefit from your own individual counseling about why your treated her the way you did (because it's a pattern - twice) and how you can change your behavior. Your ex has some really healthy boundaries: she won't be treated like crap by someone she's in a romantic relationship with!
    I don't hear from you about exactly what you have done to change your behavior? Read books? Gone for help? Taken a class about relationships? Taken a communication class? Unless you get some education/counseling about how to change what comes naturally to you, nothing will change.......we can't teach ourselves what we don't know! Ann

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