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Thread: Relationship Help...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Relationship Help...

    Hey people, I am 15 years old, grade 10 and me and this one grade 9 girl really like each other. We've known each other since August and we really enjoy each others presence. We usually see each other once a week because our brothers are on the same soccer team but this stopped around a month ago because season is over. Anyways, she messaged me the other day saying "I cant do this, I havent seen you in a month, I cant keep showing my feelings over the internet, I love you, and I want better for you, my parents wont let me date you know that, go find another girl, she will be very lucky, you are the most amazing guy I ever met, I am not breaking up with you, I just need to figure some things out. I love you xoxo". So yeah, her parents wont let her date, which means I probably wont see her often. I saw her yesterday at my brothers soccer party but thats prob the last time Ill see her for a while, I gave her a christmas gift though, and we kissed. I really dont know what to do because shes really confused and shes not acting herself anymore. I know she likes me a lot , but shes making it difficult for me to understand what shes going through. I want her to ask her parents but she wont.. Idk if she has given up but this is really confusing and making me stress out a lot. I know shes the one I have never met a girl like her before. Any advice?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Move on... Its obviously not going anywhere, move on, do something good for yourself this Christmas

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    ^^ exactly. i went through the same thing. just let her go. it will be better than trying to stay with her
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