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Thread: what's ur perfect date?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    what's ur perfect date?

    Hi all seeing as we're on the dating forum im curious to know what everyone's idea of a perfect is. Or better still if you have an account of a date you thoroughly enjoyed it would be interesting to compare notes! Get that keyboard working!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Okay, I have no clue what my "perfect date" fantasy is... But I did have a really great date with my boyfriend. When I went to see him in Pittsburgh, we drove out to one of the state parks just to drive. It was a bit overcast, which actually made it really nice. We were all alone just driving through the park, totally surrounded by nature... And then ahead of us a deer came into the road. We stopped and watched it cross, and soon it was followed by a little fawn! It was adorable. We just sat there, stopped in the middle of the road, and watched these deer pass quietly from one side to the other. And as we watched them move into the trees on the other side we realized that there were about twelve deer standing right there staring at us! It was incredible! We sat in the road for a good ten minutes just watching them. It was really beautiful, and very memorable.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    wow quite awesome that PAgirl. Almost as if nature decided to entertain you huh. For me - I went out with my very close friend though he wasn't my b/f. I was working for a wine company so I had taken some nice wine from work. We had lunch after which we took the wine. I don't take alcohol too well and I guess I looked visibly tipsy. He said he couldn't send me home in that state so that meant we'd have to hung around longer. We went to this casino where they also have a pool table and well we shot pool. He could tell I was holding something back and he asked me twice what I wanted to say. At 1st I denied but on his 2nd prod I told him I wanted that to be the last day I saw him. He was so sad (which I didnt expect- I thought he didnt care about me that's why I was breaking it off). Anyhow he said if I ever get to know the reason why I was doing that I had his numbers so to call him as it would help answer some of the questions. So I asked him what questions- he said for instance why. So I said I will. I then asked him to give me my last kiss (why do I always do that). He said I took things too forgranted- he said this kiss and also our first kiss. Well when he held me I have no idea what happened but i found words pouring out. It was a very intimate and unforgetable moment for me. I whispered all my fears and concerns about us to him. I was scared but since we were so close I guess I found some strength from that. He didnt say anything in his defense but his kiss said it all. It was so beautiful. There werent many people at the casino and upstairs where we were was completely deserted. The staff whoever kept coming up but upon seeing us having what must have been a visibly a very private moment they'd leave. Anyhow it got very intense. He even unbuttoned my shirt. I remember thinking i'll never go back there incase the staff still recall what my nipples look like (ouch). I thought we'd have sex on the pool table - it was just intense. So I breathlesly said "baibe lets go". He was so happy we grinned all the way to the bustop and the following week I just couldn't stop smilling. People at work kept asking me what had happened! It was great sadly we aren't together anymore and sadly that was the last kiss I ever got from him. I still cherish each moment we ever spent together though.
    Last edited by sweet200; 20-08-04 at 02:41 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I think that made me tear up a bit! What an intense moment! WOW!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Thanks sweet. The worst thing is that well I love him now but not sure if he feels the same but we're still very very close. Maybe it's just that we're continets apart. All my friends are waiting for when I get back home to see how it goes. Everyone thinks it's like a storybook story. I dont know myself though- i've always tended to be pessimistic where relationships are concerned (i find u get less disappointed that way coz u never expected anything much to start with). I wish I could at least tell him how special he is but I can't. Ever listened to Monica's song called Inside- well this reminds of that song though at least there's no other woman involved. But im gonna keep it to myself (sigh).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Actually I think that it really doesn't matter what you do on a date, it's who you are with. Sometimes you can hold each other's hands and walk down the beach without saying a word, yet you can feel a connection to each other, and something so simple just feels like the best date in the world. I feel that the best date is the date that creates the best emotional connection between two people. I haven't been on many dates before, and those I have been on were just with a girl that turned out not to like me in that way and weren't really meaningful (though my heart was probably pounding at 200+bpm on those occassions), so I can't really comment based on personal experience.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    GB i hear you- you make absolute sense. Infact you've summed up the issue so well. It's true it's not what you what but the chemistry with the other person that can make or break a date.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I completely agree. I haven't been on too many dates either, but I've had a few with Aaron that have stuck with me... just because of the way we got to connect.

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