Hello there

As we all know, getting over somebody from your previous relationship could be a very difficult task to do. In line with this and as some of you may know, we have the DABDA method.

Here it is:

D- Denial (The stage when you deny or can't accept that the two of you have broken up already)

A- Anger (After denial, you will now get angry because of the situation resorting to doing a lot of unreasonable things like drinking too much, having one night stands, and etc.)

B- Bargaining (Then, you now begin to think of the "what ifs, what if not" scenarios during the past relationship. You bargain with the other person if you could still be together in relation to the "what if and what not" scenarios in your mind.)

D- Depression (Now, you begin to be depressed because its not really working out. You can't seem to function well on your everyday routine because of the thought of you breakup)

A- Acceptance (After being depressed, angry, in bargain, and in denial, you start to accept the situation as it is. You know that it will really not working, thus, you move on with the thought that "whats past is already past, and theres nothing I can do about so I'll just go on with my life".

How is your DABDA experience going? Are you stuck at any DABDA stage or whatnot? Or have you accepted the breakup and just moved along.