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Thread: moody with girlfriend

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    moody with girlfriend

    for my past two relationships, my ex's broke up with me saying they werent 100% happy and through our fights, i wasnt changing. im my view, i get moody at times when having a girlfriend while at college. i want a girlfriend so dont say dont get one lol. there will be some days where im extremely happy and then there will be times where i get down and upset extremely quickly, yet if i see friends around campus i act perfectly happy around them. this moodiness only happens when im around my girlfriend and put in a stressful environment and i really want this to change. the summer when we first started dating i was perfectly happy but once we got to school, the moodiness came back. what could be causing this moodiness around her and what could i do to prevent being like this in the future? thank you!

  2. #2
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    I know what you mean, I know a lot of people who have this problem when stressed. And you let it out on her because you feel more comfortable with your significant other. Either way when you get upset, you should stop for a second and think about it. Or go separate yourself until you don't feel moody anymore because moody people are not fun to be around.
    "Sometimes the best way to throw a punch is to take a step back"~Morgan freeman

  3. #3
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    Mar 2012
    Agree, i don't think there's anything wrong with you, you're just one of those people who only really open up and show discontent or emotion around those they hold dear. Which shows you trust them, ofc, but it's also confusing and stressful for those involved. If you want to spare her that, you might want to find other ways to vent out your mood. Are you engaging in any sports or exercising? That really does wonders to better your mood.

  4. #4
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    Mar 2012
    i play on the baseball team at college and im currently joining a fraternity so those things really help get my mind off things. i just want to stop changing moods when im around my girlfriend because i lost my ex because of it and i want to somehow show her that i can stay happy in stressful situations

  5. #5
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    Mar 2012
    I think you should talk to a counselor about that. Online advice is way too iffy for that kind of tips. I'm not talking about "therapy" btw, just have some talks with a free counselor somewhere, I'm sure they can help you out with some advice on how to deal with your moods.

    It's really hard to give you advice on that because facial expression, body language, tone of voice and your general energy all have to do with what you're like when you're in a mood. Can't really tell you what to change, and you certainly shouldn't act in front of your girlfriend.

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