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Thread: Getting to know each other as friends or more?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Getting to know each other as friends or more?

    Hello everyone, here is my situation. I'm currently a single guy in college who got out of a 4-year relationship about 6 months ago. I had a hard time getting over my ex, but I was finally able to move on and enjoy being single. I have been incredibly busy with school work and other school related things, so I really haven't had time to date, let alone consider getting into a new relationship. That is until I recently met someone, a very nice girl who is in one of my classes. We have only been talking for a short time, but I can already tell that I'm developing feelings for her. The problem is I don't know how she feels about me.
    You see, we talk pretty much every day, and every time we talk we usually have a lengthly conversation. We have gotten to know each other just through talking, and she was quick to point out that we have a lot of things in common. We seem to get along really well, constantly joking around and making each other laugh. We have had some conversations that weren't necessary deep but could have gone there if I had let it. For instance, she revealed to me that she doesn't have much confidence in herself and she is very hard on herself. Being that we had only known each other for a short time, I didn't know if I should have gotten into that with her so I let it go without going deeper than that, which I sort of regret right now. She has also said some things that make me think she might be interested in me, such as saying that she is really glad that we are talking and getting to know each other because in class she thought I was just a shy person, which sort of makes me believe that she has had an eye on me for a while. However, there are also some things that I am concerned about. For one, she is very flirtatious, not just with me but with other guys, and that definitely complicates things. Also, I am the one who always initiates conversation, meaning that I have to contact her whenever we do talk.
    So basically, I really can't tell if she getting to know me strictly as a friend or if she is genuinely interested in getting to know me better to take things further. So I am definitely torn on what to do. I don't want to rush things and scare her off if she is interested in me, but I also don't want to be led on if things aren't going to progress. I want us to at least be friends, but I would also like to know if that is the case so I don't get my hopes up for something more. If anyone has any advice about what I should do or any similiar situations you have personally gone through then I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    indigosoul's Avatar
    indigosoul Guest
    Slow down, relax. You just got out of a LTR, what's your hurry? If she does like you, you'll scare her off if you get too serious too soon.

  3. #3
    Rosebud's Avatar
    Rosebud is offline Love Gurus
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    Well I think its' your good that you back on track again when it comes to the dating scene. I would take things slow and not try to analyze everything that's going on. You did just get over a breakup and the best thing is to just take things as they come right now. She may also be the type of person that likes the guy to take the initiative but it's hard to tell. I would just kinda go with the flow right now and enjoy where things are at.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    A small town
    i say you have to kiss her. college girls loved to be kissed in public. if you ever find yourself in a social setting with her, kiss her. of course, use charm, confidence, and class when you do so. At that moment you will know what she thinks of you as far as relationship material goes.
    Sniff first, then scratch.

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