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Thread: I'd like to hear what you guys think.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    I'd like to hear what you guys think.

    So the back story.
    There's this guy whom Ive met like 3 years ago, imma name him John. We've lost contact of each other after being together only for 1 night, cuz I had a boyfriend and I had to just stop what were doing, even though I really liked him. I just dont wanna cheat. So recently just after me and exbf of 3years broke up, we've gain contact again and started texting and seeing each other.

    I really liked him before and after knowing him so much more now, I just really gain this super strong feeling for him. We hold hands when we walk. We make out. We almost had, you know what, but we didnt. We kiss. But we are not together as bf and gf.

    The thing is everything is just so complicated. He have a son and he love him so much that he just can't even think of being away from him. There's the mother of the kid, ofc. They're no longer together, it's just for the sake of the kid. They live with John's parents. ( ik it sarks balls) But that is only cuz he just doesnt wanna be afar from his kid. He's afraid that if he ever make mistakes, she will take the kid away from him.

    He has always been mentioning things like... he's my future bf, the things that we will do when we become bf/gfs and all the truckload of shit. He never says that he loves me, though I know that he does. He wouldnt be doin all those shit with me if he doesnt, right? All he just tell me is that.. He dont wana take things fast cuz he dont wana make mistakes again. I ask me lots of times.. like what state of relationship are we in now.. he just answer.. he doesnt know too.

    Now, I've had it. I told him to just tell me if he doesnt have any feelings for me at all, then I'd go away and stop whatever we're doing. I told him that I didnt wanna be the third wheel or ruin whatever he have with the kid right now. I told him that I already have strong feelings for him and I dont wanna feel so attached to him if this is just for fun to him. I'd rather stop now and be more hurt. For the record, he started all of this.

    And lol. What he told me was.. "I just can't answer that."
    then I stopped being too mushy with him. I even stopped talking to him so much. :(
    It's really sad cuz, I finally get a hold of him after 3 years. He still keeps on texting me, and telling me stuffs like- future thingies. Ugghh.. but he got no balls. I really really like him though. Like sparks when we kiss. Lmao. chessy stuff iknow.

    Should I.. wait for him? Should I continue this? I just wanna see him grow some balls and tell me straight what he feels. :(

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Well I think you should give the guy sometime to sort things out. he's obviously goin through some things that are very difficult. u need to talk to him about it, spend more time with him, this may even make him love you even more, so much that he says it all the time. u need to understand that he's gone through alot.. and he must really love you if he's being so careful not to lose you..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Yeah, you're best bet is to just stop talking to him(a lot, or completely), and let him decide what he wants to do. Time apart will get him to realize 1 of 2 things. 1: he'll realize how much he misses you, and he will make an effort to make it official.. or 2: he'll realize that he's fine without you, and you can move on.

    Give him time to think

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Just part ways hun. He is in no position to have a relationship with you. The living conditions, etc.....he has no balls, no motivation, and is too indecisive. Even tho you get sparks from him, for the long haul these traits will smush out your feelings for this relationship anyways.

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