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Thread: What's going on inside of his head?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    What's going on inside of his head?

    Well, I've known this guy for a couple of years. At first I didn't like him, but as time went on I found myself attracted to him. Many people told me he liked me, and he was going to ask me out soon. He was even acting like it towards me and asked me to the movies. Everything went great, I really liked him at this point. This was in mid August.

    School started, and he was his usual self, flirty, funny, and nice, but after the second day I stopped seeing him around... I began asking his friends what happened to him, and none of them new a thing. After about 2 months, I started going to his house to see if he'd moved or something. His brother was always there, but he would never open the door (probably because he's eight), and I'd never get to speak to anyone inside. I found it strange that his parents were never there, and that an eight year old kid was left at home by himself so often.

    I continued school, still wondering what happened to him. Then, in February, he suddenly shows up in class, a nervous look on his face as he shuffled in as everyone stared at him. He was noticably more buff. As it turns out, shortly after he'd gone to the movies with me he'd gotten really sick and had to go into the hospital, and had needed two surgeries.

    Things quickly went back to normal, except I could kinda see he'd... changed. Where as he was usually a borderline class clown, he was now quiet, only speaking when spoken to, and always seemed to be looking off into space, but whenever I spoke to him he would go back to being the guy I had found myself falling for, but only while I was talking to him. When I saw him around the hallways with his friends he would be the same, but when I saw him by himself he always had that same, distant look in his eyes...

    And at random times he tends to get upset and just... stops talking altogether, his face not showing any emotion. It's weird, but when I talk to him about it he lights up and smiles at me, often cracking a joke about my hair or other parts of my appearance.

    He also used to be sting yabout his money, never even giving people 25 cents if they asked, but now, if someone were to ask him for a dollar and he only has a 5 dollar bill, he'll give them the entire five and tell them they owe him 4 bucks...

    I'm worried about him. What could possibly be going on inside his head?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    It's sounds cliche, but maybe the hospital visit and two surgeries made him realise something...although as to what, I have no idea. The generous act of lending out money is probably a sign too. To be honest, it sounds like a good change for him actually. If only more people would stop, think and stare off into space and use their heads more often.
    Last edited by Alvy; 23-05-10 at 12:39 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I think you're viewing it as if we were adults. I'd like to point out that both of us are 16, and behavior like that is rather... unusual.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Lake Worth Florida
    i have not a clue what could be going on inside his head, but i do agree with Alvy.
    im a day dreamer myself, nothing wrong with that.
    to me by what you've written, he sounds fine to me.

    if he's the same way in relations to you, and his friends,thats okay. its good actually.

    i doubt its a situation you should over think or get to drastic about.
    Ello Love

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