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Thread: I don't understand him

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    I don't understand him

    Hello Everyone,

    I'm a 34 year old woman. I have met someone on my work. He was fliritng with me and hanging around me, but he did not have any impact on me. I was a bit cautious, because I did nog know his backbround. He could me married, have a serious relationship.. I thought I had to protect myself. During an external meeting, he told the external relationship tabut his motheer in love and suddenly let me see a picture of his girlfriend. Now I was quite sure that he was just a bit playing around.
    But then he continued and just went on flirting. Once he came to me and even talked about a marriage of him with me. He kept chasing after me. This took almost 1 1/2 year. I started believing him ans even liked him or perhaps fal in love. Then suddenly he changed 360degrees. He is not talking to me anymore, he is quite rude and he is just chasing after a cloogeuq of me in fonrt of me. This really hurt me and I'm terribly angry. I just do not know how to cope with this situation. Because I see him every morning at my work with the female collegue.

    Firts af all I will try to understand this?? What king of male psychology is this? And secondyl what is the best trategy to cope with this situation.

    With love, Flower77

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Ignore him like he doesn't exist. He has a girlfriend already.

    Surely you didn't believe him when he said he wanted to marry you? Did you date him even though he had a girlfriend after he said that?
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Texarkana, AR
    Yes, ignore him. He's a player.

    Why are you posting the same thing twice?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I'm confused and really wanted a response.
    Thans for your message.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    No, I did not date him, because I did not trust him.

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