I met a girl through my roommate. We actually met at a party he brought her too and ended up "drunk kissing." I got her number and waited about a week (not here to discuss how many days lol) and then I asked her out. We went out and shot guns for fun at a firing range and then after we had some drinks. I dropped her off and we kissed. I got a text after "you are so much fun"
and I returned You are too and a great kisser =)
anyways from my past screw ups I felt that maybe I was pressuring them too much by contacting right away. I waited about 4 days after and then since we were on texting terms (she never texts right back always a few hours after so I do the same to her so as not to seem to into her).
I said to her you + me + bunch of golf balls + driving range = fun! what do you think? she text me back "awwww I'm at home for Easter"
so thats where we are at. Now to divulge a little deeper in my own personal self. People would define me as intense and direct. I am very driven and go after what I want. But I make you laugh and I am very conscious of the intensity which is more a presence of me that is who I am.
I live in Hollywood and it seems to me that every girl I date is interested and then fades away. I feel of course if every girl was right then it would be too easy but this is very hard for me since I have been single for over 3 years now. I do not want to settle with a girl that I am not interested in or attracted to. I do not try to date super models and most girls I actually like would be defined by most guys as "really cute"
I find it very hard to ask for advice from people when I dont know what I'm doing wrong or if it is normal for people to date and date and date and date and never really get past the second or third date. I dont want to mess this one up so I am curious to what you recommend I do or to create more interest in her. I want her to wonder if I am interested, I want her to call or text me I want her to think that I'm busy and if I am free I will go out with her. Girls love a challenge and if the guy is too easy to win and there is not anything that is mysterious etc then they will loose interest very fast.
I know all the games but when you are on the court yourself its hard to see from that birds eye point of view.
I also come across as the nice guy but i NEVER EVER do any actions that would define me as that. I am a gentleman that will open the door but I will challenge you if you say anything that I do not agree on or I will call you out or tease you if you are late or do something rude etc.
well I probably confused everyone reading this but the general question is I have is how long to wait to call her again and how to make sure she wonders about me etc =)
thank you for reading!!