I met my guy friend last year at the club and he hit on me and asked for my number, but I was with my boyfriend at that time and until I broke up with him, we both went out together. I was dating this guy before he asked me out, and I didn't know if who should I pick and I never really heard from my guy friend until couple weeks later and he asked me out again...
2 Weeks ago, I invited my guy friend to clubbing and she met my friend. My friend now finds him attractive... and they only met 2 weeks ago... She never went on a date with him, but hung out together buying groceries at 3am. My friend also asked me to go. I should have went, but my parents can be annoying...
Anyways, I think my guy friend found her interesting and attractive because my friend has a a really good personality, outgoing, doesn't care what people say, very social and everything... while I am shy and more reserved... though I am trying to change that... He asked me what kind of guys she like, how well I know her, whether he should ask her out... I didn't give him a response cuz I didn't know how to respond to that...
But anyways, she asked me couple days if I liked him and I said yes I did. I told her twice actually, but last time I said I sorta like him. I told her he probably likes you or something and I said if you two wanna go out, I am cool with that because she is my friend and all.
Today, she asked if I would be pissed or mad if she told me she found him attractive. I did stir up for a moment.
But I don't know what to do. Is she just playing mind games with me to see if I Should I tell her go ahead go out with him? or is she just trying to be honest?
Anyways I love her and all and I met her last year, but we are pretty good friends... But I don't wanna stand in their way. And please don't bash on me and say that I am being messed up to my friend... This is why I don't know what to do...
I really like him and I went out with him couple days ago. I am just so shy and quiet, but I told myself I need to talk more and my friend helped me out by teaching me ways to carry a conversation, so I want to try and do that.