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Thread: help me understand what's going on

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    help me understand what's going on

    I've never been in a relationship before, so very new at this.

    I met a girl 3 months ago, I'm 21 she's 18, and seen her once every three days or so, we spend a lot of time together and always have fun together and get along well.

    I thought we were dating given how often we saw each other, I asked her to be my girlfriend a couple weeks ago to make it more official, she said no. She gave some excuses, and lied to me saying she didn't want to date anyone right now, when in fact she is in a relationship with another guy, now for about 1.5 months.

    I wasn't looking for it, but I found her sn on a relationship forum, so thats how I know things she doesn't tell me. She's not particularly in love with this other guy I don't think, she is still trying to get over someone from 2 years ago. she's uncertain about things and has a hard time falling in love so she says.

    I am naive cause I thought we were serious about each other, but she's been having sex with different guys these last 3 months; I can't read her at all;

    I help her with her math homework, she's kind of using me for that, but she says over and over again she really likes me as a friend, and that she used to like me as more, but not now. so she wants to help me get girls she says cause she felt bad about lieing to me and rejecting me. She does this by "teaching" me how to make out and stuff. she's always saying I'm very attractive, I feel its just cause she likes sex, but I'm looking for romance.

    these two opposing facts I can't seem to understand!!!

    -she also said that she's struggling to find love, dealing with some issue I can't figure out, and that she would choose me out of the guys she's seeing to fall in love with, cause I'm a good person, and I'm attractive, and she did "used" to like me.

    -online forum, she talks about how I'm kinda gross, that she doesn't like me, and sometime in person her main theme is she "cares cares a lot about me as a friend and wants to help me" and I know she considers another guy her "boyfriend" though she is always wanting to make out with me, so I wouldn't want to be her boyfriend knowing that, so it must not be that serious with the other guy?

    in the end, I know she's lying to me sometimes, and I never seem able to get the truth from her. But I still feel in love with her, but have no way of knowing how she feels about me...how can I find out if she has any real romantic feelings for me???????????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    It's clear she doesn't like you, she's even told you that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Ok. Time to wake up.

    This girl is NOT INTERESTED IN YOU.

    From the sound of things, she's pretty messed up over a past relationship and is now just dating/sleeping around.

    You've read things she's posted which are probably honest.. so stop thinking otherwise.

    If she USED to like you, that means she doesn't like you NOW.. and that's the main point you need to focus in on.

    It sounds like a bad situation you need to get yourself out of.

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