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Thread: Am I too sensitive or should I be concerned about my partner dancing with other men?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Am I too sensitive or should I be concerned about my partner dancing with other men?

    I have meet a wonderful woman. We have been dating for over 3 months and have both agreed that we should be exclusive. We are in a long distance relationship but are able to be together about every 10 days and we are able to be together for about the same amount of time. When we are together we dance and have a wonderful time. I am confused by her comments that she feels it is appropriate to dance with other men when she is out with the "girls". I love this woman and don't want to jeopardize by being over sensitive or possessive. I welcome a woman's point of view her so I can better understand as well as act appropriately to the situation myself. Am I over reacting and being to sensitive here or should I be concerned as I attempt to understand the rules of engagement in today's world. I welcome a woman's point of view and advice regarding this topic. Thank you for your insight!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    i could go both ways on this one...


    in general she should be at liberty to dance with other people, but she should refuse to dance with men who hit on her...(that's most men she knows, )

    it's a bit pointless to dance with men unless she will accept their advances, and she cannot do that, if she is in an exclusive relationship...

    this doesn't mean she should run away from the dance floor every time a man is near, on her girls night out...so she can dance, lol

    but if some guy gets too flirty she can also go to the bar and have a drink, alone...
    till flirty person cools down...

    so yes and no....well life is messy...


    i would not run from the dance floor first time a man is near me or attempting to dance with me, shouting ahhhhhh, i have a bf, but i would not dance with the same guy twice and encourage his flirting either...

    i'd be chill, dance one dance and say thank you and had to the bar too cool off...

    so yah, no harm in dancing....

    look we cannot lock the people we love in a tower.

    set up some ground rules and let her dance a bit. *sorry* hehe

    they are on their night out, her and the gfs, men will be there, if she is a loyal, mature woman she can handle the attention without breaking your trust...

    look, we should not be push over in a relationship, but demanding and trying to control every move of the SO, will make us tired and them out of here...lol

    it's easy to say, this is what you cannot do coz i don't like it, but relationships are two different people coming together, and a little understanding, and loads of freedom go a long way...

    trying to police every move SO makes will get you nowhere good...

    i know you are not doing that, but i'm saying...

    she wants to dance, ok she can,she should be mature enough to know when it's not dancing but heavy flirting and not do that...
    Last edited by eve.ashley; 08-04-15 at 05:26 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    What type of dancing, fast or slow dances? Are the group of " girls" dancing near by her too? Does she know the men or are they club strangers?

    I would never go out & dance with other men if in a relationship, I'd be happy enough to just dance with my gfs.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Thank for your reply...as far as dancing with the girls, the dancing would be fast and as far as dancing with other men it would be strangers who would either ask her to dance or men who would just get up on the dance floor and "cut in" and single her out with girl friend to dance in the area...also she is not usually going out with a group of girl friends but just one girl friend.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Hockeeman View Post
    Thank for your reply...as far as dancing with the girls, the dancing would be fast and as far as dancing with other men it would be strangers who would either ask her to dance or men who would just get up on the dance floor and "cut in" and single her out with girl friend to dance in the area...also she is not usually going out with a group of girl friends but just one girl friend.
    i see, yah, do not see the point of dancing with a man who asked me to if i have a bf.

    i do not see much point in her gf and her going out alone, if the gf is single, either.

    dancing with guys who cut in for a bit then going to the bar and forgetting about them is ok.

    i have to say the whole situation of her and her gf alone in the club, men will hit on her, and while that is not the worst crime in the world, i personally would be bored to be there.

    i'm bored with most men who hit on me even when i am single, let alone when i have my guy.

    talk to her about your concerns of loads of men hitting on her and ask her why she isn't bored with it?

    most women are.

    whatever you say, so not say, you cannot go out dancing with your gf, that will sound psychotic, and she will not lsiten to valid points and concerns you have.

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