Basically, a girl and I fell out in October. She has a boyfriend and someone set up a fake snapchat account in his name and harassed me using it. When I told her, she blamed me. We had and argument, I told my parents and she told hers. My parents went to the school about it and there were a bunch of meetings and she and her family realised that it was someone else. I was really badly affected by what happened and it showed in the way I held myself. She was badly affected too according to the principal. I heard through the grape vine that her parents told her to block me.

We were really close before falling out. She knew I liked her and was completely fine with that. She found out after getting with her bf and sometimes playfully slapped my ass or kind of teased me.

We completely ignored each other for a while and after a few weeks, I noticed her looking at me kind of sadly/regretfully and sometimes smiling to herself. She gave me a lot of side glances too and sometimes has been really obvious when looking at me. I go out of my way to not look at her, just to respect her space and her relationship.

Most of the time she does this "poker face" when she has to look at me i.e passing a ball in PE. If we are walking past, she either looks down to the side or straight on. Sometimes she flicks her eyes up at me but I just move on.

A few definite examples that I remember are:

I was talking to a friend sitting beside her and she was looking at me with the "come hither" look and when I flicked my eyes over, she looked away and leaned forward.

When I was doing something at the board in class, I looked back at the teacher because I wasn't sure about something and she was staring while smiling. Again, she realised and did a poker face.

If someone says something funny and I look back, we make eye contact smiling at eachother for a few brief seconds before we both look away. For a brief moment we are friends again.

When a teacher was talking about the signs of depression, she looked at me seemingly concerned.

I was playing soccer (keepy uppies with my friends) outside and she was walking in and she stopped and stared at me through the door.

When I was talking to my friends at break and I looked left, she was looking at me smiling. Sometimes if I see her looking and catch her eye, she looks down looking depressed.

Her and her best friend looked over at me smiling when looking.

When a friend was doing a science presentation, we were sitting opposite and when the teacher began asking questions and I looked at the teacher. When moving my head, I realised that the girl was staring at me and I made eye contact. She looked a bit shocked that I caught her and kind of circled her head (not knowing where to look?) before I looked away. She was back looking at me a few minutes later and I made eye contact again before looking away.

After a month I broke the ice by saying well done about an art award she won that day. She froze, looked away then made eye contact and said thank you sincerely. The next time we talked was after an exam and she seemed normal. The third time she was awkward and seemingly cold. The most recent time was in chemistry when she was unsure about what jug to put some Hydrochloric acid in and I told her. She looked a bit shocked when I told her and went really red.

She also got her best friend to stalk me on instagram. I know this as the best friend had uploaded a story of her and the girl goofing around 5 minutes before it said she added me.

The weird thing for me is that I have no clue what any of this could mean. She seems to smile at me one minute and be cold the next. I feel as though I need to talk to her about what happened but she doesn't seem approachable. When I do, she just seems cold.

Her friend group has been inconsistent too. Sometimes they are warm and friendly, other times they are cold.

I just don't know. I'm thinking of sending her a text but I won't until June. I have it more or less written though. It's just really annoying and upsetting not knowing what she is thinking. What do you think?