Hello, I am 19 years old, 5'11'' and 160 pounds. Now I am considered to be in pretty good shape for my age and height. I work out on occasions but plan to more often. I may seem skinny but do have a gut.
I am not trying to eat really to lose weight but just to be healthy as I haven't been eating healthy my whole life. I don't want it to catch up to me in the later years. Now it is hard for me because I hardly eat any fruit's or vegetables.
It's hard for me to eat healthy because of school and work and hanging out with friends I am constantly always on the go. So I am usually stuck having to eat out which is usually not always so health.
How would I possibly be able to fit a healthy diet into my busy life if I am always out. Does anyone else have this problem? I try to eat healthy and sometimes I do but then I end up out with my friends or at work on break getting stuck at a place where they only serve fast greasy food.