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Thread: Confusion Confusion!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Confusion Confusion!

    Hey guys & girls, i'll get straight to the point

    Well about 3months ago i met this girl at school, and gradually we started talking to each other. We have a few classes together and thats usually when i see her. I really like her, but sometimes i ponder whether she likes me back or not.

    It's strange because somedays she'll talk to me closely and intimately but other days she can give me the cold shoulder if i don't talk to her. I don't know what happened , few weeks ago she invited me to a one on one study session at the library, where we didnt do anything but talk , she also used to get upset when i (maybe purposely because i was a bit shy) ignored her , when she walk past, or would'nt go and talk to her at school. She told me all this personal stuff im sure not many ppl no of. She also wrote on my pencil case all these love hearts, and she would tease me for fun.

    But now it feels like its love lost, maybe im too shy to say something. But here's the catch 22, there may also be another man who is of the same nationality as her and they seem to get along great. He sits next to her in class and she's always touching his arm and leaning over to him....

    as you can see this may be a cliche'd experience but its so puzzling...im trying to get over her but everytime i talk to her , and look her in the eyes i just melt and become vulnerable again. I'm utterly confused..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    She likes you. Women don't like being ignored by someone they like because they feel their efforts to make moves are in vain or aren't being received.

    If you wait too long to make a definite move, then it wouldn't be a wonder if she went after someone else. No one wants to wait forever for the object of their affection to reciprocate interest. Tell her you like her.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    thankyou, do you think its too late?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    It's not too late for you to hear and understand that ignoring her was the problem. Even if you've blown it with her, you need to get this.

    This whole "I'm too shy and I use it as an excuse to behave like a fool" thing has really got to stop. I see it all the time. Why should she have to pay for your personality problem? She doesn't know what's going on in your head. All she knows is that sometimes you pretend she's not there.

    You silly boy.
    Spammer Spanker

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    i've told her..finally...but im very disappointed..she neither told me she liked me back ...or said she doesnt want to..., she kind of went really quiet...but is still talking to me.. ...i don't think she likes me...oh well atleast theres no "if"

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