Okay, so..This guy who I like used to be REALLY good friends with me. I mean so close. We used to talk alot and tell each other everything..Then I fell in love with him. I told him I really really liked him, then he told me he liked me back..But then we dated and it felt...very different. I never expected anything out of it, but..he just..Was not the same. He ignored me when I tried to talk to him. We didn't talk as much, even when I was the one putting effort into convo. Then he could not decide if he wanted to be with me, so I broke it off.

Now that we aren't dating, we both agreed to be friends WAY before we decided to date, but now he is just acting like a jerk. He STILL ignores me and he doesn't tell me anything anymore. When I tell him things all he can go is "hmmm". We barely talk like we were as friends...Now it just feels like we are strangers. Why is he acting like this ? I thought he wanted to be friends. He can't go around expecting me to flirt back with him when he flirts back with me..