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Thread: Kinda clueless here...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Kinda clueless here...

    Ok I am a female 29 and I didn't date or have sex for 5 years after having my second child.

    So five years later I meet a guy a few years younger then me.He asked for my number and then asked me out.We hungout had fun.The next time I seen him we had sex we did this a few times after.He told me after one time how he gets attached after having sex haha.

    Ok well we have went to church together a few times.I play games its what I know to do.And I told him I just wanted to be friends.
    Well a few weeks later I really like him ALOT..Well he text all the time then kinda was texting way less really bugged me..I tell him I cant see him anymore and that I might move to another state.

    We talk and he tells me I am special.I tell him I have been hurt and that we can NOT have sex without a commentment.I tell him if he wants to stay just friends that we can not kiss anymore.I tell him I need to feel wanted and he needs to show some effort if he likes me.Next day he asks me out to dinner I go.We had fun.

    Well since that dinner he has not texted me his usual good morning beautiful.Two days and I have just got good morning or hey.He know I like when he does this.

    He for the past week has been texting me less.Dont like that.

    He works the night shift then goes to school then has a home he is flipping.......Well when we first started hanging out he told me how he does not need that much sleep.All a sudden he is telling me he is tired and hates his job.

    I like him but really I have no clue.I don't know what I should do.For me I run thats easy.I just want to tell him I am moving away and lets be friends and keep in touch.

    This guy is a guy I respect.church,opens doors,likes to be touchy feely.I have went on some other dates and they dont compare.I dont want to lose him yet at the same time want to run so I dont wast mine or his time.I was fine without him he just was the cherry on the cake.

    So any advice form the men would be greatly appresiated.Thank You

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    What is it that you want advice on? To me your predicament is the typical:
    a.) leave him
    b.) stay
    c.) tell him how you feel

    Are you good at multiple choice?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Well is guy even like me me and if he is just wanting to throw me back in the river like a fish then I would prefer to just let it go.But I do like this guy and I would hope for the best.I just am not the type to hold someone where they dont want to be.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No one will be able to tell you what he is thinking. Just tell him how you feel.

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