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Thread: What are his interest?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    What are his interest?

    I actually got out of a relationship over a month ago. It was 5 years of off/on and I was moslty uhappy with the person, just stuck with it because I was worried or what would happen to him if I ended. So finally, he made the decision, and I feel happy and free to be me since I had to put up with a lot of crap from him.

    Anway, a few days after the split, I changed my status on facebook to single and this guy who I have known for a very long time, but never really talked to him sent me an instant message asking how I am doing, and just letting me know to hang in there, it gets easier. We started chatting a lot and texting everyday and our conversations turned dirty. It was jokes at first since that has always helped me in rough situations and then it turned into him telling me he is attracted to me and went from there. He did say some sweet things to me too.

    We made some plans to hang out at his place and had some drinks and that led to making out and then fooling around. I asked him why he started talking to me and he said that he didn't expect our talking to be more then a few chats, but I surprised him on my wit and kept his attention. So after I left, he kissed me goodbye and even texted me to make sure I got home ok.

    The texting died down to a few hours in texting every couple of days, and then we went a week without talking til he finally texted me saying "hey stranger". We texted through out the day and then later on I turned it into something dirty. The next morning I get a wake up dirty text from him and we talked about hooking up for sex the next night. I was surprised since he has not had sex (but other things) for over a year and told me he would want to wait til he is a few months into a relationship before doing that. Surprised he wanted that, I asked why and he said "because you intrigue me more than most and ever since we last hung out I can't stop thinking of that night." We didn't do anything since I haven't been on my pill in a month, and when he suggested fooling around, I declined knowing that would make me want more and we cant so I didn't go over there.

    The hookup talk went down this past Sat & Sun and haven't heard from him since. I am debating on asking him out, afaid he will reject me even though he has talked about finding me to be very attractive, and enjoys talking and hanging out with me. Should I just write it off as just lusting or should I ask and see what happens? I am just so confused on what is going through his head and I am so new at this, that it kind of scares me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    First off... when you changed your status to single, I think it's obvious why he would send messages at that point. But if you like this guy, that's great I guess. You need to be a little patient, he turned down SEX, that means he's interested in you as a person, and you already know he finds you attractive, you're worrying over nothing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    most everything starts out as lust and then from that lust you can build love

    so you should try else you'll never know . . . also he seems interested in you, so that's good.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    lust and teasing is a must nway, kudos to him for holding back and respecting you. But, he will come around imo. good luck

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