How do everyone feel about friend with benefits. Do you think it a good thing or a bad thing?
How do everyone feel about friend with benefits. Do you think it a good thing or a bad thing?
How do I feel?
I know it exists. It has no benefit for me so I personally wouldn't do this. I don't care if others do it. It doesn't bother me. As long as I'm not involved.
ok i didnt explain it right . How about an ex bf or ex gf that you already have been with do you think after you break up its ok to take a break and have some benefits. Without the stress of a relationship. There is a possible it can help you get back together
Did you and your boyfriend break up, Sami?
Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?
I think it is kind of sleazy. That is really all there is to say to it. If you want it, get it... no one is going to stop you. It may hurt people though, specially in the future.
vasti we are on a break right now there is some issues. But we are still hangin out and sleepin togethe. I know right now it isnt hurting anyone cause he isnt seeing anyone either am i. We are trying to find out if we can get back together and if it can be better
Why are you giving him everything he wants? What motivation will he have to improve his behavior if you are still having sex with him? He gets everything he wants with none of the responsibility.
He's no good for you, Sami. Now is your chance - let him go. It only hurts for a while.
Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?
In the long run, it is becomes depressing since you realize that all your doing is fulfilling a basic need with someone who will not be part of your life in the long run.
Vasti i get what you are saying but we do still love each other. Havent anyone ever been on a break or pulled back and still seein each other. thats what we are doing and we are trying to see what happens but not being in a relationship is good cause it can be too stressful sometimes.
If you still love eachother, you would be completely together.
sami im in the same spot you are in. I like where i am. It works for me. I wouldnt say it is unhealthy for either person.
The only way friends with benefits works is if you can leave the emotion out of the 'benefits', i.e. sex or other physical fun. It is impossible to make love during friends with benefits so there is that downside.
Sami, you obviously still have emotional attachment to your boyfriend because you want to get try and get back together, so unless he to get back together too(which should have already happened if he really wanted to) the sex is one sided, you want to make love whereas your bf is just wanting to have sex.
Be true to yourself, this includes taking a step back and realizing that the best thing isnt always the easiest thing in front of you.
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He wants to get back together but right now he really messed things up so i am not ready for that.
Jesus Christ, how many times do we have to go through this?