Hey guys and girls, i'm new to the forum and don't quite know if i've started this thread in the correct place, anyways im looking for a bit of advice.

Soooo, there is this girl at university I have came to " like " and I THINK she may be interested in me but I am confused as to what signs are relevent or not. I shall bore you with some details...

She seems to ask quite a few personal questions such as, where I work, if I still live at home, wether or not I plan to move out before my time at uni is up, If i've ever visited the area where she comes from, what I want to do with my chosen degree etc.

Along with this there are another few things I have noticed, both staring at each other for longer than 5 seconds, choosing to sit beside me during group exercises, giggling at some stuff I say etc One thing in particular got me questioning though.

I was standing alone waiting to go into my lab class and she shouts me over, her friend sort of giggles and asks me what part i'm taking in the presentation talk. they both giggle and another member of the group asks " whats so funny?" the friend replies " oh nothing much, ANON(use this to refer to her) likes someone. " ANON starts giggling and replies with " Oh, no its not that..." they start whispering and I can't make out what is being said but another girl in the group looks at me with a smile, I could be totally wrong here but I thought it was a look, saying " you don't know she likes you do you?".

Despite what seems like positive signs, She never messages me via facebook, email or text. I have been told this could be a positive sign though, is it?

Due to previous events my confidence has been shattered to almost social anxiety levels and find it extremely hard to flirt or ask girls out which results in poor judgements of reading the signs a girl is giving off. According to a select few friends, this girl is 99.9% into me but as previously shown I don't know if I should follow this advice or not, it could just be them trying to give me a bit of a confidence boost. She is really pretty which makes me feel she is way out of my league as I only seem to attract gay guys or teenage mothers...

May I also mention that there is only around 4 weeks of first year left after which we will be seperated class wise as we are both studying different degrees.

Sorry for the detailed description lol but I need some pointers to give me a bit of a boost to go ahead and make plans.

Am I in there with a chance or am I in the friend zone?
