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Thread: my newest disaster

  1. #1
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    my newest disaster

    Ok,Been with this new chick a week,She was sorta a family friend first so I kinda knew her or knew of her rather. We have seen each other like 5 times in the last week cus all of us been hangin out together (my sisters friends my friends and her).

    I say we been together a week cus thats when we decieded to be bf/gf. Like the second day we were bf/gf she Asked to drive,(she has no licese and I know this) but (like any guy my age) I uhm wanted her to be happy so uhm......I would be *hint* ,lol

    So I let her drive,She drove my brand new car into a snow bank,lifted the entire front of the car off its wheels,Took an hour and 2 more 4x4s to dig it out. So lets just say I was a little pissy,She could tell and I knew she felt bad. Next day was pretty good,we ended up making out a bit when I brought her home but thats all.

    Fourth day,shes txts me like 400 times this one day (no joke) Basicly by the end of the day we had plans to uhm, "you know" after we hung out with our friends. this was actually her idea I never mentioned it. She also didn't want me to use a condom. also her idea.Although I wasnt comfortable with it so I said nah,I dont trust myself I'll wear it.

    5th day I went with my sister and her bf and this other female friend I have(she was busy helping her mom),We ended up drunk,And a bit high,Well gf found out and yelled at me. But to my shock still said she wanted to "you know" after we saw our friends.

    So that day comes,(yesterday) We show up,and my sister ditches us we end up sitting in a parking lot waiting an hour then I'm like come on and I just spent time with her which was nice,Till my sister shows up,Shes totally stoned,And as I mentioned my gf hates that. So she was all pissed,Even more so at the fact my sister kept lieing and being a bitch to my gf.

    So gf gets pissed,I try to calm her down,we leave. She said "I feel bad but im not really wanting to now" which duh I figured and wasn't gonna ask anyway. She said "let me drive ill feel better" Thinking I still had a chance I let her. She maneged not to crash and seemed happy when I dropped her off we kissed each other and it wasn't to bad.

    Now today,She goes on yahoo,I can see right away shes pissed,Turns out one of her friends pissed her off. I tryd to make her happy. I dont like talking to her on yahoo its painful shes so damn slow. So I said ill call you in a min hon,shes like no I hate talking on the phone (This is the biggest lie,she answers the phone at least 30 times a day for everyone else)

    Im like whats wrong,And said you answer it all the time,she said you can call but I wont answer it,So I said its just me then,needless to say she was pissy at that remark. we talked like another hour after that,and I had to go,I said to her,ill see you on wendsday and pick you up for church babe,(I always do for months now I pick up a few ppl every wendsday,and my sister gets the rest,kind of carpool,type thing) shes says no I'm sick,Im like,your sick? Its three days away.So I accepted it.

    We had plans for saturday to go to the movies,So I said I'll see you saturday then hon,When do you want to go,she says"I wont be home" that pissed me off and I said thats it Im not playing mind games wtf. I said I'm leaving email me when your not so pissy cus I havnt done shit.After her next smartass remark. I said Im done as a couple,this is bs.

    Heres where I get lost,she crys,says she doesnt want to lose me and loves me and all this crap. So I said ok,I'm sorry I'm not gonna leave but I am pissed,She finally had to go shortly after that but still gave me the same answer for saturday and wensday,wtf????????

    I dont get it. Should I just move on anyway? I thought she was probly cheating when said she wouldnt be there saturday. But then why practiclly begg me when I said i was done? I don't understand what her prob is. should I give it a try or is she just insane?

    Sorry for the length guys,I know I kind of wrote a book.
    Last edited by lightning88; 23-02-09 at 10:11 AM.
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  2. #2
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    When our reactions are consistently "Are you an idiot?", that means you're still doing stupid things meaning you haven't really learned much of anything from your mistakes.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    When our reactions are consistently "Are you an idiot?", that means you're still doing stupid things meaning you haven't really learned much of anything from your mistakes.
    but what did I do wrong THIS TIME,I said I was done but then she whined,so That obviously isnt what she wanted,what did she want? what was the purpose of that crap today? I suck at mind games.......how come I keep getting weird ones.
    Last edited by lightning88; 23-02-09 at 11:07 AM.
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  4. #4
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    The f*ck?

    Who cares if that's not what she wanted?

    Since when did break ups have to be a mutual decision?

    Are you just pulling my leg, or are you that dense?

    Don't even get me started on the whole car thing...

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    The f*ck?

    Who cares if that's not what she wanted?

    Since when did break ups have to be a mutual decision?

    Are you just pulling my leg, or are you that dense?

    Don't even get me started on the whole car thing...
    No I'm not pulling your leg,I just really don't understand what her issue is.

    The car seems ok,it pulls to the right now but no damege,lol

    And fras I know your point.............leave. I just dont get why she did that.
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  6. #6
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    It's not the girl.

    It's you.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post

    It's not the girl.

    It's you.
    but can you tell me why its me? I mean what did I do with this one?

    I tryd your guys advice,I been more tough,not letting the girls make al the decisions. Im really nice to them,this one had no idea of my past issues. so what is it about me fras?
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    I don't know what's wrong with you.

    You seem to make a shit load of dumb decisions.

    I don't know how you were raised, who your friends are, what you do for a living, what your outlook on life is.

    I mean, what the hell do you even want?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    I don't know what's wrong with you.

    You seem to make a shit load of dumb decisions.

    I don't know how you were raised, who your friends are, what you do for a living, what your outlook on life is.

    I mean, what the hell do you even want?

    yes I make dumb decisions like the car thing.

    My mom was nice my dad was abusive to me.

    My friends are dumbasses.

    I sell DSL Internet and work at staples.

    I want a gf who will stay around and not be psycho,and not cheat so I have someone to spend time with who is not my crazy sister or dumbass friends.

    does that help?...........I already feel like its my fault but I dont get what I need to do to fix it cus idk what I did wrong with this one.
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  10. #10
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    Then you better look outside of who your friends know, or who your friend's friend's know.

    I grew up with crazy women.

    My mother was crazy, my oldest sister was crazy, both of my younger sisters were crazy, then first girl I pursued (who I recall thinking reminded me of my mother) was of course crazy, and her whole group of female friends were crazy losers.

    I got out of those circles, thank god, and I found some quality out there in the world. I was so used to the craziness though that it took me about 2 years to realize I surrounded myself with wackjob losers.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    Then you better look outside of who your friends know, or who your friend's friend's know.

    I grew up with crazy women.

    My mother was crazy, my oldest sister was crazy, both of my younger sisters were crazy, then first girl I pursued (who I recall thinking reminded me of my mother) was of course crazy, and her whole group of female friends were crazy losers.

    I got out of those circles, thank god, and I found some quality out there in the world. I was so used to the craziness though that it took me about 2 years to realize I surrounded myself with wackjob losers.
    Ok Fras and thank you for the advice. I dont notice they are crazy until after then I look back thinking "wtf did i do that for" for that reason I'll be leaving this one before I regret it. Next time I will try to be more careful.
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    Quote Originally Posted by lightning88 View Post
    should I give it a try or is she just insane?
    Maybe you are both insane?

    Honestly, I never realised so much could happen in 5 days:

    - You let a person without a driver's license drive your car (You're insane)
    - She crashed your car (She's insane)
    - She wanted to have unprotected sex with you on your fourth date (She's insane)
    - You got stoned and your gf found out by the fifth date (You're insane)
    - Your sister got stoned and abused your gf (You're insane for not interfering and for letting it happen)
    - You let a person without a driver's license drive your car AGAIN (You're insane and she's insane for asking)
    - She couldn't formulate her obvious disappointment and instead started to play games (She's insane)
    - She still wanted you after all of the above? (She's insane)

    So what's the Tally?

    You 4 points insane VS her 5 points insane

    Okay, she wins. But it was a close call.
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    Towards the sun, carry your name
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  13. #13
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    lightning do you have any kids out there that you may not know about?
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mishanya View Post
    Maybe you are both insane?

    Honestly, I never realised so much could happen in 5 days:

    - You let a person without a driver's license drive your car (You're insane)
    - She crashed your car (She's insane)
    - She wanted to have unprotected sex with you on your fourth date (She's insane)
    - You got stoned and your gf found out by the fifth date (You're insane)
    - Your sister got stoned and abused your gf (You're insane for not interfering and for letting it happen)
    - You let a person without a driver's license drive your car AGAIN (You're insane and she's insane for asking)
    - She couldn't formulate her obvious disappointment and instead started to play games (She's insane)
    - She still wanted you after all of the above? (She's insane)

    So what's the Tally?

    You 4 points insane VS her 5 points insane

    Okay, she wins. But it was a close call.
    even tho I know it was an insult that was an awesome post,that made me laugh and yeah your right except one.....

    - Your sister got stoned and abused your gf (You're insane for not interfering and for letting it happen)
    I did interfere I took my gfs hand and we left. other than that one your right,lol

    lightning do you have any kids out there that you may not know about?
    uhm not that I know of,although I want kids. not yet ready.
    If I've helped you plz hit thanks----> : )
    ""In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps""

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