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Thread: love at first site! or am I crazy?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Las Vegas, NV

    love at first site! or am I crazy?

    Love at first site? I never believed it that is until Saturday night. My friend flew into town for the weekend. It was his first time in Vegas (where I live) so I got us a hotel room so he could really experience the town. After getting out of a comedy show we headed over to Risque to meet my roommate and his girl friend. We had gotten a table and were hanging out having a good time. My friend from out of town was having a great time talking to a lot of girls getting is picture taken with them. And drinking a lot.( this plays into the story later) this goes on for awhile longer after one of his pictures I’m not sure what happened but I ended up talking to the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen in my life. For the next hour, hour and a half, two hours I don’t know I totally lost track of time something that rarely happens I can usually guess the time + or – 15 min. we danced talked laughed and just had a great time. I wasn’t aware of any thing else but her! I was snapped out of my daze by my roommate telling me that we needed to leave now. We walked out side to catch a cab.

    Now let me explain a few things. Usually here my night ends and I head home happy that I had a good time. It is Vegas, most of the people you meet are from everywhere but Vegas. I rarely ask for #’s and its only locals. I don’t drink too much; I was a little buzzed nothing crazy. I got Vegas out of my system when I moved here a year ago. Oh forgot to mention that my friend is my very best friend from when I was 6.

    This was about the time my friend announced along with my roommate that my fiend is going to throw up any second and we need to leave now! So much for going out for a late night snack. She asked me to take her #. Of course pulled out my cell phone, Cell phone is dead. Roommate yelling at me telling me the cab is waiting and we need to leave. She says okay give me your # I do she enters it into her phone spelling my name correctly. People misspell it about 50 percent of the time. Calls it and starts to repeat my message.

    Okay some info about her. She was moving from Minnesota to San Diego. This was a conversation piece because I’m going to San Diego next week to visit my relatives. She was animate about me visiting when I was in San Diego. Oh yeah did I tell you she was the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

    So we hung and have the most natural kiss I’ve ever experienced when I say natural I mean it was meant to be. Just a small closed mouth kiss but it was bliss. I looked at my friend in the cab who was just about to start puking is guts out all night I said to my self. I can’t tell him to head back and let me extend my night an hour or two. I take one last look at her and she is just beaming I said that I was sorry I but I needed to take care of my friend. So I reluctantly got into the cab and waved as the girl I had been entranced with for the last hour or two slowly disappeared.

    The next day I woke up and I felt like I did the wrong thing. All day Sunday I was feeling like I made a huge mistake. that feeling hasn’t gone away for the last few days. I meet tons of people that I will never see again and it never really affected me. But something about this time is different and I keep praying that she will call.

    Now its only been 4 days but its killing me.

    I know it will fade with time and all that jazz. but it will allways stick with me like that girl I never had the nerve to ask out all year then the last day of the semester we by chance hung out and had the time of out lives but were both moving away. Now I’m thinking I’m meant to act out some chick flick and chase after them and live happily ever after or not.

    I’ve flipped my lid for Her and I only knew her a few hours I feel like I’ve gone crazy. Even in the cab ride home my roommate and his girlfriend were like WOW! Dude you two were glued to each other! …
    I still don’t know about this whole love at first site thing. But I’m sure feeling something.
    I just needed to get this out there I guess I need to calm my nerves or something.

    EDIT: sorry for the long post. oh yeah if you happend to know of a young lady early 20's that moved from Minnesota to San Diego last weekend tell her to give me a call... I think I'm losing it...
    Last edited by monkey; 01-07-04 at 05:56 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Well, I guess all you can really do is just wait for it to happen, if it doesn't, then you'll have to find someone else, maybe even someone more beautiful and a better kisser.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    shit that sux! that happened to me and the girl never called me back. (
    come to think of it...happened to me 3 times...
    the other 2 times I never called her...
    but ya she was probably more drunk than you were and figured it was thething to do and realized it was wrong the very next morning...
    just believe in love at first sight but also remember love is a cruel thing...
    "Don't be afraid to fail because only through failure do you
    learn to succeed." "Oh and be careful what you do...you'll never know who's watching..."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Las Vegas, NV
    Quote Originally Posted by PandaCivic
    shit that sux! that happened to me and the girl never called me back. (
    come to think of it...happened to me 3 times...
    the other 2 times I never called her...
    but ya she was probably more drunk than you were and figured it was thething to do and realized it was wrong the very next morning...
    just believe in love at first sight but also remember love is a cruel thing...

    Why is it that so few people ever call back? It's not gender specific and its not just in a dateing environment. It happens at work too. like my loan officer I'm working with. I'll call and leave a message every day for a week and then he will call when he has a question for me. WTF?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Las Vegas, NV
    Quote Originally Posted by Metalhead6six6
    Well, I guess all you can really do is just wait for it to happen, if it doesn't, then you'll have to find someone else, maybe even someone more beautiful and a better kisser.

    well I've a very optimistic person. and I agree completely but, this was like getting t-boned by a freight train.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    well from observation, most people never call a person back due to them not really caring or thinking about the other person. probably due to other goings on in their lives. like i know what you mean when people i know call, they ask me what's going on and not even know i left them messages. it's a really terrible habit but we all do it. the ones that DO call back are more likely to be people who want something or just care about you enough to give you a holler.
    "Don't be afraid to fail because only through failure do you
    learn to succeed." "Oh and be careful what you do...you'll never know who's watching..."

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