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Thread: I need the truth!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    I need the truth!

    Hey there,

    So I met this guy that I like at uni, we've been speaking via Facebook chat and in person when we see each other around uni since April. He has mainly been the one to spark up a convo with me over Facebook and has gone from being about casual uni work to just casual stuff in general. The other night, whilst he was away on holiday with a bunch of friends, he was messaging me whilst sober and as he got drunk he started messaging me asking me on dates and how we should meet up when he gets back home and stuff. Since then, he has been speaking to me the same with no mention of what was said that night and its really starting to bug me. I want to know if it was bs or truth but im too scared to ask incase it messes everything up at uni and freaks him out, i dont want to lose a chance with him if there is one though. How do i go about this situation, i really need some help.

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucy4224 View Post
    Hey there,

    So I met this guy that I like at uni, we've been speaking via Facebook chat and in person when we see each other around uni since April. He has mainly been the one to spark up a convo with me over Facebook and has gone from being about casual uni work to just casual stuff in general. The other night, whilst he was away on holiday with a bunch of friends, he was messaging me whilst sober and as he got drunk he started messaging me asking me on dates and how we should meet up when he gets back home and stuff. Since then, he has been speaking to me the same with no mention of what was said that night and its really starting to bug me. I want to know if it was bs or truth but im too scared to ask incase it messes everything up at uni and freaks him out, i dont want to lose a chance with him if there is one though. How do i go about this situation, i really need some help.

    Thank you
    Whilst walking with him on campus just casually say: "So, when are we going to take me on that date like you suggested when you were on vacation?" Then shut up and let him do the talking.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Hah someone in his party probably was responsable for those messages. They got a hold of his phone when he was passed out and thought how funny it would be to mess with you (being all drunk as they were). Then they probably deleted the conversations so he wouldn't be the wiser. That could be the reason why he hasn't mentioned anything, because it wasn't him.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by smackie9 View Post
    Hah someone in his party probably was responsable for those messages. They got a hold of his phone when he was passed out and thought how funny it would be to mess with you (being all drunk as they were). Then they probably deleted the conversations so he wouldn't be the wiser. That could be the reason why he hasn't mentioned anything, because it wasn't him.
    By chance that ^^^ is the case, (unlikely I'd think and even if they did, it means that he likes you and they're teasing HIM about it and not you) then simply change up your wording to: "So, lets go to the show on Friday night.. such and such is playing or is there something else you'd like to see?" Then shut up and let him talk.

    If he agrees to go, then snuggle into him while you enjoy the movie.

    Stop waiting for him to make the first move if you're so into him. If he's doesn't want to go on a date with you then, stop being his "buddy" and save being platonic friends with girls and that way you won't be confused as to intentions.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Your Worst Nightmares
    You can't handle the truth!!!

    LOL! I've ALWAYS wanted to say that.

    But, being serious now, I would agree with the others. Just bring it up kind of casually. If he really meant it, hopefully he takes it as his queue to finally get up the nerve to actually ask. If he didn't really mean it, you will probably kind of sense that, and you can just play it off like you were teasing him about it. Though, maybe it is just me, but I don't think he'd have said it while drunk if he didn't really mean it. What is the saying? "A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts" or something along those lines. Typically, drinking doesn't magically make you do something you normally would not do. It gives you the courage to do the things you WANT to do, but maybe just can't bring yourself to do. Then again, I don't drink, so I could be wrong.

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