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Thread: I'm so confused..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    I'm so confused..

    Well, I'm a guy and well, I'm not good with this stuff. I'm so confused with whats going on between me and my girlfriend (I think, I really don't know tbo). Here's the story..

    We got together in January and when we first met I was comforting her because another guy was treating her like shit and just messing her around. I wasn't to sure if I was just being used as a replacement at first so I didnt just jump straight in with both feet. About a week and afew days after we first met once we had chatted etc we got together and it was great, I was over the moon. Then I kinda fell in love with her, she seemed perfect in my eyes, and still does tbo. So about 4-5 weeks later she breaks up with me, and says she loves someone else (the guy who was messing her around) more than me. I was heartbroken, and I just didn't know what to do. I just told her how I felt and kinda scraped up my pieces and accepted it. She then rang me the day after and she wanted to be with me, so I just thought I had abit of a chance of getting the person I love in my arms again. Then we kinda feel out and I just accepted that I wasn't going to have her heart again. She then contacted me saying that she missed me and that and we had a chat, she seems off though, but I just tried as much as I can and we got back together and started our relationship again. It was all fine for afew months, we argued now and then but we were kinda under each others feet alot and just spend hell of alot of time talking and stuff. Her family really liked me and my family the same to her. But then she started getting agressive with me last week and was getting annoyed with me alot. I'm quite an understanding person so I just took it on the chin and realised that she had stressful stuff going on with exams and that. Then monday she texts me saying it's over. I was like wtf really, I loved the girl and my heart was just twisted and sewed around with feelings. She told me that she loved that guy more than me again. It really did cut me up inside, I'd tried so hard to make her happy, gave her everything I have, and never let her down once. She told me that she was confused and stuff and being understand, I took that on the chin aswell and just thought I had to give her what she needs because I don't want to loose her.
    Now I'm just really confused though. She said she had made a mistake the morning after and that, and came around my house yesterday and said she wants to be with me, just nothing to serious. I was like okay, just give it time. But then today she's like "I feel alot better now since we had that chat about us being friends". It really made me feel like I had just been chucked out and throw to the dogs. After everything I did for her, everything I gave her, she just didn't seem like it cares at all to her.

    I really don't know what to do, I wish I could just get this girl back as mine. She's really nice, but has had a troubled childhood with her parents and stuff and was forced to grow up fast. She's really quite mature for her age as well as myself.

    Any ideas on what I can do? I've just ignored her today because I seen her and she looked so beautiful, I couldn't stand how I couldn't just run up to her and give her a kiss and a hug. It's really confusing me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    It sounds like she doesn't know what she wants from you. I think it would be a deadly mistake to take the "friends" option. Sit her down, hold her hand and tell her calmly that you can't be friends with her because you have feelings for her, and if she can't reciprocate them, it's well and truly over.

    Yes, YOU break up with HER.

    I know this sounds crazy and yes, you have a good chance of her walking away from you, but believe me, it's better than the half-life you'll have as her "friend".
    Spammer Spanker

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    It sounds like she doesn't know what she wants from you. I think it would be a deadly mistake to take the "friends" option. Sit her down, hold her hand and tell her calmly that you can't be friends with her because you have feelings for her, and if she can't reciprocate them, it's well and truly over.

    Yes, YOU break up with HER.

    I know this sounds crazy and yes, you have a good chance of her walking away from you, but believe me, it's better than the half-life you'll have as her "friend".
    Listen to Giga, she knows stuff.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    She has no idea what she wants. There are multiple appealing options for her. It's not fair for you to be loved one minute and then hated the next. It's all or nothing. She's spending time with you since you're there and it's convenient, but at the same time, she's still thinking of the other guy. You're more important than that. If she can not commit to you, find someone else who will.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Two words:

    Emotional tampon
    Spammer Spanker

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I feel like I've given so much to this girl though. Just about everything to be exact, she's got my virginity, hundreds of pounds in possessions, I've told her everything that I've never trusted anyone else in my life with.

    I spoke with her last night and just said that I don't want to be friends. I was kind of an asshole with her at first and just didn't say much, treated her as if I would treat a mate. If I didn't have anything to say then I'd just shut up. She said it was really awkward and stuff and someone would think it's the first time we've ever spoken to eachother. Was really too awkward for me if I'm honest. We sat down on this bench in the park looking out onto this little pond with the ducks and that as the sun went down and we didn't really say much.
    Then she got upset, and I got her a tissue out and wiped her eyes for her, gave her a hung and she had her head on my shoulder and we had alittle bit of a cuddle there. It was alright after that she we chatted for the rest of the night and blah blah. I don't think her intentions are to just stay friends and thats it, more of she needs space to sort her head out and that she's confused. So yeah, fair enought if she needs space but I can't just get put on the side and have a pause button. So we're talking later and I put the question into the conversation, do you think you'll ever get back with me? She replied with "Yeah ofcoarse! x" so I was like okay, so she isn't completely throwing me out in the trash.
    We chat for the rest of the night and it'll all cool, she tells me she loves me before she went to sleep and it was cool tbo.
    This morning I talk to her by text and it's all okay, then she rings me after not texting back for awhile explainin that she's been getting ready etc, fair enought. Then she asks me about tonight, on a friday night we used to go to a local football 5 a side thing with all my friends and play football and that. She asks me if I'm going and yeah might do. Telling me she has no controll over me but then when I say yeah I'll go she just replies with "Oh, ok" like I was telling her I was going to cut off both her arms and legs. She said all she wants is for me to say hey and bye, and nothing more is needed.
    The thing is that other guy is always there, and even though she told me that he's treated her like crap for the past 4 years and always ignored her, always brags about owning night vision googles and a 800 pound bike that he never used and alot of other bullshit. She even said he's like a 7 year old obssessed with football, pornstars and cars. I always look over when I'm playing football and she's either lookin in his direction or talking to her friend who comes with. So I told her this and she starts getting annoyed and says she can't be assed anymore etc, and ends up putting the phone down on me. I just leave it and carry on chatting on MSN and watchin topgear now but then she text she just saying "Why do you say things like that?".

    Tbo I'll just end up sayin that I love her and I want her in my arms, but if she's just going to mess me around alot and be in two minds all the time then my mind can never settle so, make up your mind and then let me know.
    I don't see how I can be in competition with this guy really, I've gave her everything, she even told me that theres only two people who have never let her down, me and her mum.
    She just text me sayin that she thought I was a sweet kind loving lad but I've completly changed her point of view of me. I text her back saying "My mind can't settle when things are going in and out all the time Jess x" and then she text me asking what that means.


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