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Thread: Asian boys and Western girls ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Asian boys and Western girls ?

    How do you think asian boy with a western girl? It's possible happen?
    A boy is not good at speaking english...He is attracted to western girl.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    You won't know until you try. Give it a shot!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Go for it, I've met quite a few Asian men I thought were very attractive. Good luck!

  4. #4
    girl68's Avatar
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    I'm western, and I'm marrying myself a Chinese fella.

    Granted I'm half Chinese myself but I'm about as white as it gets.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    to be honest asian men seem to get the least western girls ( i am assuming you mean white western girls)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Personally I find Asian men very attractive. My current boyfriend is Chinese and before that I dated a Japanese guy. There has been no language barrier though and I can imagine if there was it would be a bit difficult at times. The right girl will be attracted to you for who you are whether you are Asian, Western, martian etc. The key is to be confident and be yourself. If you feel a little bit self-conscious of your English skills work hard to improve maybe even try and find native English speakers to talk with. There may be some cultural differences that you will both need to adjust to but if you love each other that is just compromise which all relationships need anyway.
    Some people are drains and some are radiators... Keep clear of the drains and hug the radiators!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    It's not very common to see an Asian guy with a white girl. On the other hand it's not very uncommon to see a white guy with an asian girl. What does that say? To me it means Asian guys don't approach white girls as much as white guys approach asian girls. It's my personal opinion of course but I really haven't seen many asian men hitting on white women. Most girls aren't really different inside. My recent ex had a tough time getting over her ex (a Thai guy) before she and I got together. So I'd say if you really like her don't look too much into her ethnicity. See her as a girl whether she's asian, white, black or alien.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Thanks for reply the thread.
    But I have a question, how the boy to meet a girl?
    Around the boy most are the chinese guys...
    It seems that there are not way to meet a western girl (except going to pub)
    what are the western girls usually do? Where can he get more chance to meet some western girls?

    For improving english this part, he really doesn't know what way he can do...
    because all around him is also a chinese and they speak mandarin...
    He has already try his best to learn and speak Mandarin with them (His first language is Cantonese)
    In his society doesn't include the western people, he feel difficult to use english and speak english and learn english...
    How can he find a western girl in this circumstance ...He feel very sad...

    Another thing is he is a shy person, and may be this is the reason that he is single for many year.
    Would you gals have some opinions can help he to improve himself or suggest a way for him to meet some people and have some chance for practice how to not be so shy.
    Thank you!

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