I am a 50 year old white male, who for the most part of my adult life exclusively dated African American women. And I am a father of five beautiful Bi Racial children, all whom I love very much. With that being said, I know there are people who don't like or agree with Interracial Dating or Interracial Marriage, people who are adamantly against people of different races mixing. I get that, and that's their right to feel that way and to subscribe to such opinions. But what I don't understand is, how can a mother, siblings and other extended family members completely shun their son, daughter, brother, sister grandson, nephew or whatever, all because that person has decided to Date or Marry someone of another Race? It's beyond me to be able to grasp such nonsense. To me, as a parent myself and someone who comes from a large family. I love both my children and family unconditionally, as it should be. And although I don't always agree with what they say, what they do, who they love, their political views or what they believe in. At the end of the day I love them and support them in whatever decisions they make.
In my case, my mother, siblings and some extended family members, have completely exiled me from their circle. Why? Because I prefer African American women over White Women, and they can't stand that. I don't hate White Women, not in any sense. I'm just not attracted to them, that's all. Then you factor in my Bi Racial children, something else I think they have a problem with. But you know? I have no regrets having Bi Racial children, nor do I feel self condemnation for preferring African American women over White women. I'm just disturbed how it is that my mother, siblings and some of my other extended family members can just turn a cold shoulder to me and shun me because of the color of the woman I chose to love. And trust me, I'm never going to cow down, give in or allow myself to be pressured by anyone to change who I am. My happiness is defined by me, not others. And who I chose to love is my choice, not my mothers, siblings or other extended family members. Sadly I haven't spoke to my mother, nor my siblings or other extended family members in about five years. And that hurts me deeply. And no matter how many olive branches I extend to them, I continuously get rejected. I have done nothing to my family to deserve such treatment. I call my mother, siblings and extended family members on birthdays and holidays. They won't even pick up the phone, so I leave a message. I get no reply's. This is so wrong on every level. I would give everything just to hear my mothers voice. I'm not asking my mother, siblings and extended family members anything other than to love me unconditionally. They don't have to agree with all my choices in life, but it would be nice of they supported me.
Anyways! I guess it is what it is. I wish my family was more accepting of me, but I have to live with the reality that it is possible I will live the rest of my life without my mother, siblings and extended family members in it.