I don't normally do this kind of thing, but this is completely killing me. I'm a twenty year old male, going to school for pre-med. I work with a girl that is really confusing me. She and I have always been friendly with each other, and we talk a fair amount. I mean, I don't think I'm her best friend or anything, but we do talk and joke with each other a lot throughout the day. She does a fair amount of what I'd call flirting, but that's something I need help deciding on... whether it is flirting or not. I'll give a few specific examples... she smiles at me, and she squirted my shirt with a bottle of cleaner one day (strange I know, not the first time she has done things like that. Once she was walking by and lit a lighter right next to my nose...) she asks for my help doing things sometime, which may just mean she needs help, I don't know really... lifting something heavy, etc. And today, I was leaning up against a rail, and she came up and leaned exactly like I was (we had to wait on something to do at the location, but the point is she mimicked my stance, which I think is some kind of subconcious body language, then she scratched her head and flattened her hair which I have heard is a sign of interest or nervousness or something.) Well all that is good I guess, but a couple months ago I friend requested her on facebook, and I'm pretty sure she ignored it. She may not have known it was me, but I'm not sure. Also, I'm pretty sure she has a boyfriend. Before you tell me I'm a jerk for liking a girl with a boyfriend, let me say that I have been TRYING to not like this girl. I've been trying to cool it down, and back off. I just can't stop thinking about her, every waking moment! And the crazy thing is, she makes me WANT to be at work... and my work is hot, hard, and generally exhausting. I just would really like to know what all this means... I know people are all different, but some opinions never hurt. Thanks everyone.