You can repair a relationship that has come unglued or unraveled by following some sound principles and practices that require both partners being committed and devoted to rebuilding the relationship. Sooner or later marriages develop problems or conflicts that cannot be anticipated or avoided. These situations will have to be resolved with a concentrated effort on the part of both partners as they arise. Often times a relationship is much stronger and much more mature for both individuals. Rebuilding a your relationship is a complex process that won’t be repaired overnight but roll up your sleeves and try some of the methods below to begin the healing process.

I have write down 50 crucial tips to healing / rebuilding your relationship, and i wanna share a little bit to you
- Be open and honest. Your relationship didn’t get to this level of brokenness over night and it wasn’t caused by one problem. It will be healthy for you to discuss openly and honestly quite often just what you want or need from the other person and vice versa. Don’t be unkind but be thoughtful and deliberate in your conversations.
- Keep your expectations realistic. Intelligently consider of what your partner is capable of doing and providing. Revisit these expectations together and talk about progress or failure in meeting these expectations.
- Work on changing yourself and not your mate. You can’t change them and the sooner you realize this the more peace you will experience. The only person whom you can change is you! You have to come to the decision to change

if you wanna find more tips from me, you can get it for free :