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Thread: Ex-dilema Trying to find someone who can relate/advice any help appreciated!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Ex-dilema Trying to find someone who can relate/advice any help appreciated!

    So here is the story in a nutshell.

    Me and my Ex-girlfriend broke up on July 6th so not really long ago. We lived together, and dated for 2 years. The reason for her breaking up with me is that I didn't change when I promised I would do certain things because I was living off her couch. I told her I would start school never did. I told her I would find my own place, never did. We got in a fight and her parents didn't want us living together so I was kinda stuck.

    In a way, I didn't do a lot of things now looking back that I should have done to save the relationship because we loved each other, I was just going through a stage of depression in my life during the last part of our relationship.

    So what happened was, she went out with her best friend which she normally never really goes out with. Her best friend told her boyfriend's friend the guy she is dating isn't treating her right, and to make a move. The guy kisses her, the next morning she comes in and tells me that she doesn't love me anymore, and she can't be with me etc.

    I find out she start's dating this guy right away, and now 2 guy best friends are dating 2 girl best friends. Every time I went to pick up my stuff, she is very angry/doesn't wanna talk about emotions towards me also when we talked on the phone and texting. When i go to her place I would ask her to hold my hand and she would. I took her out to lunch weeks ago as friends and I also asked her to hold my hand before she leaves and she does.

    We had a long history and she told me she loved me more then any other guy she has dated, but she fell out of love because of me not doing anything with my life and was tired of dissapointment.

    Now, I have my own place, I started my own business, I go out every night with friends, and started school lost alot of weight. I'm getting my happiness back but a little late. And I miss her already.

    So now I look on facebook and she's always with this 4 person double dating couple and they just get drunk every night and hang out at the dude's place. Her social life is (School,Work,There place) and I don't know how to read if that relationship will last. She said (he is a nice guy).

    I want her to be happy, but at the same time I don't want to lose contact with her or even re-kindle our relationship after more space because I feel like we had a deep connection and did a lot together. But I can't judge what she is feeling right now jumping into another relationship so quickly. She's very smart in college,etc.

    Any advice, on how you think this will play out is appreciated or what she is feeling,etc.

    Thank you very much for reading.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    You've blown it and what she does with her life is none of your business at all. Learn from the experience. You are not the first to make a mess of relationships and you won't be the last.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Ya, the facts are I only blew it in the end of the relationship by breaking promises. We have a long history together and still live in the same city. I care about her alot still, and she never stays at her own place and is out every night. I'm just wondering if this friends dating friends relationship works or what my move should be to just keep her in my life as a friend.

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