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Thread: Odd but very interesting question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Odd but very interesting question

    I am a 21 year old single black female with no children, who has recently broken up with my boyfriend of 3 years, I work at an hospital and wanted to do something part-time to supplement my income(the job is a part-time work at home job),This girl who was starting along with me emailed me and give me her phone number to call her to get some tips, she had login that morning and was logging in that evening also, We talk about a month, talking about the job and the company, well one day, she was gone to work (she works part-time outside the home) her Husband answered the phone and was like “What do you look like” We need someone to baby-sit our kids while we are at work, you can stay with us it will be like your room and board.(He works full-time outside the home) I was like “Oh, ok” (But I KNEW I was not going even though I am 21 and grown enough to make me own decisions, I don’t have no children. I still knew I was not going to go, I live in Louisiana they live in Washington on an Island, Louisiana and Washington is a long way, I rarely even go out of town the last time I went on a trip was in 1994 to California to visit my uncle who was very low sick. The wife is 29 black, Husband 42 white, They have three mix kids(5,4,1) The husband also told me that he would help me get a job at the Resort that is down the street from where they live(they both work at the Resort), He told me that they got a Big 4 bedroom 2-story house, which I believe is true because the wife sent me some pictures of her kids opening up their Christmas presents. I told his wife about what her Husband said me staying and she was like “that’s ok, that’s ok. We talked about a week more or so she ask me stuff about her hair because the Island where they live on have really no black products (she usually just order of the Internet) After then when she start calling me she would ask me to come out there to stay with time just like her husband did, They would both get on the phone (they bought another phone so that they both could talk to me) Then they be like “ If we give you hugs would you hugs us back, we love hugging” and the wife would say “Do you feel close to my husband” then the husband would say “Did you read about Abraham in the Bible he had multiple wives, Well when you come out here and if we are attracted to one another then you can be my wife, I will be gentle to you as you was my wife.” This did not happen in just one conversation it was about three or four conversations they would call me everyday, like about four days in a row asking the same thing, They also said that they was Spiritual but not religious that they wanted to get close to me and sense my spirit, that we will protect one another, They had ask about two or three more others women in the past about coming, One they sent a ticket to but she never did come(they said that they sent her 1500.00 to buy a ticket) and one women came but left after two days because the husband said that the women who is white was jealous of his wife who is black, but he said that will not be my case because me and his wife talk a lot on the phone that we would be like sisters and by both of us being black that I won’t be jealous of her, He also said that I reminded him of his wife when he meet her 7 years ago off the Internet he said that her family was against it, “but look at us we have the perfect marriage she was dating guys in the past and it was not real they just wanted one thing then they leave you, we are married and got a family and we want you to be apart of our family”. I told them that I will call the airport for a price, they told me that they will pay it in full if I ride the bus, I ask the wife who will sleep with who in the bed she said that the “three of us will probably sleep in the same bed we have a big king-size bed, but your room would be the room with the Queen size bed” I ask the wife was having multiple wives really legal and she said no but basically you would be like a wife/girlfriend not really married, I also ask the husband would I have a romantic/sexual relationship with the wife and he said no but sometimes she is “touchy feely sometimes she just want to hold your hand” After I talk like I was not probably going to go the husband just said “You’re a good person, at least you’re honest” The wife was like “yea” Then after then they start acting different one night I was talking to her and I ask was her husband mad at me she was like “No he just wanted to know what you are going to do” I ask spoke to the husband and he was huffing and blowing and was like “To bad” “ You gotta do what you gotta do” “Bye” I notice he was acting different because he always says “We Love You” instead of saying “Bye” like he did the last this time I talk to him(he said bye in a pretty cold way). The wife was acting different the last time I talk to her she was like I am busy putting up groceries and you can start emailing me if you have to ask me something, she NEVER told me that before, so I notice something fishy, On Jan 20 2005 they sent me an email the same day they wanted me to leave Louisiana to go to Washington where they live. The email stated “Do not contact us no more by phone nor email, In love we ask you into our family, YOU rejected that invitation, you have distrusted, disrespected and dishonored us, You have taken us Lightly, we wish things could have turn out different and hope you would have treated us differently”!
    The thing is since I am not coming out there, then they would not let me have the pleasure of calling them, I believe they wanted a threesome/have me as the husband second wife type of relationship, They also told me that people get uneasy when the get into the emotional level stuff, I guess they are the type of married people that are looking for someone that they both can be with/love on. This did not happen until AFTER I talk to her husband, Before then me and the wife talk about a month, mainly about the work at home job and the company(she no longer works for the company she told her manager that her kids was real loud

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    and she could not do phone work) They called me back about a month later, and apologized about the later, and ask me did I have second thoughts about having a friendship/relationship with them, so we start back talking some, and her husband start teasing me about they was going to buy me a plane ticket, and he also said “yes we were hard on you with that email/letter that we sent but we are tired of being played around with so many people said that they were going to come and did not come, you keep changing you mind and finally you choose you job over our love for you” So then the wife was asking me how much money did I make with my job because she can get me a job at the resort(similar to a fancy hotel) as a reservation agent like she does, and I can work part-time and babysit their kids, They also said that I did not have to pay no bills,because babysitting the kids can be like my room and board, and me working part-time can give me some extra money,They also was saying stuff like “God sent you our way” “We three will get married(in heart not on paper)and be like soul mates,”You and my wife will be like spiritual sister” “We think about you all the time,”My wife has dreams about you” The husband also said “If you are in good with my wife you get it made,my wife talks about you all the time and she REALLY LOVES YOU,She never wanted someone to come out here so bad” And I love you also I want you to be my lover and my wife,I want all three of us to sleep together in our big king size bed, I will sleep in the middle,we are going to have a precious child together also. So I start talking to them on Yahoo IM also and they would keep on asking me the same thing about coming out there,The wife would tell me that “You are like a sister to me, me and my sister does not get along, and I miss a sister connection,we can go shopping together and all that fun stuff,we are spiritual not religious and you will be like our spiritual sister” They would also tell me that I really need to leave the Dirty South, I stay in Louisiana and they told me that Louisiana was dangerous and it is a much nicer/better/friendlier place where they live,They live on an Island and they get a 2-story house with four bed rooms,two extra rooms, their kids are real young so they all share a room. I do not talk to them no more because It did not seem right to me and my Family(Mom,Dad,Brother and other relatives is TOTALLY AGAINST IT) They told me that I should have never talk to them after that letter,About 2 weeks before I stop talking with them they told me a girl that work at the Resort that they both work at, had moved from Seattle Washington(about 2 hrs from Eastsound Washington where they live) Had ask can she move in with them, they told her yes and charged her $250.00 for rent(she is going to move out in a month to go back to Seattle,WA with her boyfriend,they DO NOT have an relationship with this girl,she is simply a roommate to them and she keeps to herself) They even put her on the phone so that she can tell me that they are really nice people and would not hurt me,or make me into some type of slave,I ask was they a cult and the husband said “No why do you ask” I said it was just a thought,They have had a couple of people who came to visit them from seattle which is like two hours from them, they told me that they was nice to them and did not treat them mean,The husband says the reason why they are like this is because the wife had dreams about the husband being with other women and it was fine with her,They would also tell me that I was grown and my mom was treating like a child by not wanting me to go out there,But I mean the condition I was under If I did go out there,the bottom line is this, They wanted me as a Sister/Wife, a sister to the wife and a wife to the husband they wanted me to sleep with them and wanted me to be totally committed to them) I am 21 the wife is black 29 the husband is white 42 I mean I do not want to be tired down to a 42 years old white male,I am very attractive and get date offers from guys all the time, just broke up with my boyfriend of three years(we love one another he drunk a whole lot,and acted crazy when he drinks,but that's another story) they said it was best to part ways and move on to finding that special female who really wants to be with them and really love them,and they will move on to finding the next girl.They do suppose to have a guy come stay with them to be with the wife,she like white guys,she forward me a picture of the guy and he said in the email that she sent that it was soo nice to know people that stay on a beautiful island,and he can tell that they are the type that like meeting people in person, Sure they got a big house on an Island and I will stay there for Free, they charged the girl that work with them because she does not want a intimate relationship with them and she keeps to herself, By me being intimate with them I would not have to pay them nothing. Even though I do not talk with them no more we decide it was best to part ways,the wife even cried when she founded out that I was not coming out there she said that she never cried so much since her mom died(her mom died when she was 11 years old) her husband told me that he never in his life saw his wife hurt like this, she might have got sad when someone did not come out there but never ever cried especially for a WOMEN, They also use God name a lot saying that God meant for us three to be together, My question is have yall heard of anything like this,and do you think they will ever find that special female to be with them,I am NOT asking yall should I go or not because my decision for that is NO,NO,NO. we even block each other phone numbers, IM's and email address, so that we will NEVER talk again, The wife then IM me and told me that she misses me and that this R&B song made her think about me, and she said that a white girl was moving in with them and she was going to be with her husband, and that her husband was going to Seattle to pick this girl up, The wife said that the husband and this girl will sleep together, and the wife said she would not sleep with them, she will sleep with her two daughters, The wife IM me about a week later saying that they girl had moved out and went back home, because she was a smoker and they do not like smokers in their house and this girl was a big liar, and they had to spend a 1,000 to get her to Washington and back, and the girl promise to pay her back, The wife then showed me her on Web cam and her kids, I HAVE NOT talk to the husband at all, he does not come on we cam, and I HAVE NOT talk to them on the phone, the wife ask me to call and I refused it, she was like “whatever” but I told her I did not feel comfortable calling them, The wife blows me goodnight kisses on web cam and she always be smiling, She ask me did I still want to come out there on IM, she said I would have to pay my way because the other girl that came out there drawn their bank account, I ignored and did not reply, we start talking about other things, like her hair and kids. My question is it ok for me and the wife to talk once a week, and I will NOT talk to her husband, or call them on the phone, and If she ask me to come out there just ignore her, Because I would love to remind friends with her, We both Black, sorta in the same age group, I fin to be 22, she is 29, We both the same size, My QUESTION, do you think the wife and I can remind friends regardless of the past?, and I DO NOT talk to the husband, nor talk to them on the phone, I talk to the wife about a month longer on IM, well one day the husband get on Yahoo and start IM me saying that he miss talking to me, and that he was attracted to my picture that is why he wanted me to come out there, he also said he wants me to be his wife,He told me he is going to divorce his present wife(the wife that he is married to now) but they will still live together in the same house, and his present wife is going to marry another guy that she met off of the internet, the husband and his present wife both decided that bringing a single bisexual female was not a good idea like they was thinking because all the females wanted the husband and did not want to be with the wife, they was mostly all white and jealous of the wife, that is why they wanted me to come because I was already friends with the wife, But the husband and the present wife decided that they will live together in the same house,they got three small kids, but they will legally divorce one another and remarry STILL LIVING TOGETHER, meaning that the husband will marry his soul mate the wife will marry her soul mate and the four of them plus the kids will stay in the same house, The husband wants me to be his wife,lover and soulmate, and is offering to pay half of my plane ticket, he say’s that he really loves me and wants to be with me, he sends me love cards everyday by email and I call to have Phone Sex with him too, and the wife calls her soulmate that she meet off of the Internet, The husband and his present wife does not sleep together,the husband told me that they are not having sex anymore,They are like a sister and a brother,they are friends and that is it,They husband be getting sad when I saw I am not coming out there,My question is do you think I should move in with them or not? And why? Me and the husband do not talk anymore,I decided not to move there, The husband was mad,Me and the wife agree to talk twice a month on IM, because we both want to remain friends with one another

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Lubbock, TX
    ahh what's going on? I thought I posted something lol.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Los Angeles
    This is a duplicate thread....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Lubbock, TX
    oh lol ok I'm just dumb and not going crazy

  6. #6
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    LoL Junsui I was startin to think LF was messin up again... like umm no, I already read this thread didn't I...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Lubbock, TX
    i didn't know if it was LF or Markesha

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Has anyone read the stuff above?
    -to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.- e.e.cummings

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Lubbock, TX
    yes, we just posted responses in one of the other repeat threads of this

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Junsui
    yes, we just posted responses in one of the other repeat threads of this
    lol...I like your response Junsui..it hurt my eyes too. I wanted a short summary for it...I guess Tone and shh! gave her a good feedback.
    -to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.- e.e.cummings

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Lubbock, TX
    oh lol, well this couple wants her to move to another state to have a threesome marriage type thing and she wants to know if she should go, she doesn't know these people personally just through the internet and phone conversations.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Junsui
    oh lol, well this couple wants her to move to another state to have a threesome marriage type thing and she wants to know if she should go, she doesn't know these people personally just through the internet and phone conversations.
    Thanks Junsui...In that case, i agree with the responses already given.
    -to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.- e.e.cummings

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