Hi everyone Just in need of some friendly advice

I began dating this wonderful lady for a few months after she recently came out of a relationship a few months prior. I asked her at first was it to soon & she said no. So we gave it a go.

Long story short is yes it was to soon. It's been great then not so great. I said it's ok if you want to end it & no hard feelings. I understand as i've been in your position before. I just have to grin & bear it as I know she did not intentionally mean to hurt me.

She said she doesn't want to lose me & wants to heal & needs a few weeks to herself. I said no problem & I totally understand. I know she does care for me & thinks i'm a great guy etc cause she keeps telling me. She said I need to be strong for us which I have been for the past week.

I do really like her so we have agreed to stay in touch via text so we can still have a connection. I am going to give her space & let her initiate contact.

So is it the beginning of the end? or the beginning of something wonderful? She has basically told me she wants this to work & needs time.

Has anyone been in this situation before?

I'd be interested to know the womens perspective as from my own I would not string someone along if I had no intention of being with them

all the best
