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Thread: Is she interested in me or not? *long post =)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Is she interested in me or not? *long post =)

    Ok so this girl ive known for 5 years and we've been talkin on and off but it wasnt until a couple months ago when i was interested in her. im 22, shes 20, i sent her flowers for vday and she was hella happy. and i talked to her one day a week. so last week was our spring break, she flew down back home and we hung out on saturday and we hung out at ngiht for a bit and i dropped her off.

    Sunday night: called her at night and asked to hang out monday night, she said sure.

    Monday night: i pick her up and we go eat dinner at this restaurant by the pier with ocean view, was gonna go see a movie but dropped her off afterwards, so yea we get to her house and i give her the rose afterward, she gave a hug and just said for me to call anytime whenever im free to go see that movie.

    Wednesday night: I had a feeling about somthing but couldnt quite touch on it, anyways i asked her if she wanted to go out with my friends to go karaoke but she denied, saying it was boring, etc, anyways i came home around 2 am drunk, and for some reason i decided to talk to her online, i dont have the first half of the conversation but i remmber her saying somthing like "i dont want to hurt you, you should stay far away from me so i dont hurt u, because im going through somthing difficult right now."
    so i found out it was because some guy was interested in her and when she rejected him, he gave her a guilt trip, makin her feel guilty and depressed, and pissed because he wouldnt give her space, etc. so i helped her out with that and in the end she told me to just call her whenver im free and we can go catch the movie.

    Friday afternoon and night: so around 1pm on friday i called her, see if she wanted to see the movie, she made it sound like she was busy that night, so im like coo well just go see it next time on DVD or somthing. Then she said it was because of that guy situation, because she was ignoring him i guess he kept messeging or calling her around tuesday or so. anyways i so i try to help her out and i asked her if what she said the other night about "not hurting me" was because of this whole situation, and she said kind of. anyways, after 3 hours of talkin to her she wanted to go see the movie finally, because i guess she was feeling better. so after the movies i took her to the mountains to hang out, see the view etc, at 2 am. then dropped her off.

    *the story - ok so the story is this, Boy A was the one who is bugging her because she rejected him, hes also 26, shes 20, Boy B was the one she was seeing couple months ago, anyways so Boy B does not like Boy A, and is trying to use the excuse of him bugging her to go and kick his ass or somthing like that. I guess she just wants all this to go away, because she hangs out with the sorority or frat group.

    saturday night: so saturday i talked to her for a bit online, then went to a friends bday party, then got buzzed again and called her at night. i talked to her for a bit. but yea we kinda talked about the guy problem she had and shes not even trippin out about it no more, it doesnt bother her no more, so she thanked me for that, i also asked her waht type of guy shes into, and then i asked her what type of guy am i, and she was like "caring, funny and interesting," not sure of the order but yea.

    So yea sunday she flew back, then talked to her for a bit at night because i had to play a april fools joke on her haha, but yea im just wondering if shes even into me or not? because i wanted to ask her tonight but kind of nervous. and i dont even know how to ask. thanks for takin the time to read
    Last edited by s14town; 02-04-07 at 08:26 PM.

  2. #2
    vashti's Avatar
    vashti is offline Hot love muffin guru
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    You are going to have to ask her. Don't do it when you have been drinking. In fact, you should really avoid contacting her when you've been drinking.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    do u think its too early to ask her that? i dont want her to think im rushing it

  4. #4
    vashti's Avatar
    vashti is offline Hot love muffin guru
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    I don't think it is ever rushing it to say to someone you have known longer than an hour "I like you, and I want to date you. What do you say?"
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

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