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Thread: Is this normal?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Is this normal?

    Whenever I'm single (which is unfortunately true right now...) I tend to develop small crushes on practically every decent looking/nice guy I meet or come in contact with. I don't mean that I want to date every one of these guys and I'm far from being an excessive flirt. I'm just wondering whether or not this is normal. Do any of you guys, especially when you're single, form small crushes on almost every attractive female you come across?

    Oh, and this is just another question I thought of. I've heard, from a few of my guy friends that when a girl walks into a room, the first thing a guy thinks is whether or not she's "do-able," their words, not mine. Is this true as well?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Ridgecrest, CA
    well, in response to your last question, it depends on how concentrated our minds our. If our minds are idle I'd have to say that's true, and it does seem a little unfortunate. If we're focused on something else or just emotionally distracted etc. we'd only be thinking that if the girl is incredibly good-looking. But it's not a major thought process at all, it usually happens in a hundredth of a second and it's usually an unconscious decision, it has nothing to do with how moral or ethical we are, and it does not effect how we interact with that person. Do you see what I mean?
    About your main question: It most definately is not un-normal. It's perfectly natural. I'm noticing that many girls that come into my life, I develope a little crush on too, but It's just a phase I'm going through right now. It might just be a phase for you too. It's normal for a person to just not want be single so badly that this desire tends to overflow and affect your view of every girl/guy that you meet.

    That's just my two cents though...any other guys who'd care to ad?
    Last edited by Vatermeister; 16-11-08 at 05:29 PM. Reason: origanally poorly stated

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Stockholm, Sweden
    Well, I think that I at least briefly consider any girl around me on a regular basis as to whether she could be a potential girlfriend. But I only attempt at those I've got a serious crush on, which are way too few, a lifetime of pretty girls back in sweden has caused me to become a bit detached of the "hot girl stereotypes".

    Not sure about the second question though, I for sure don't but there are probably guys who do. You'll find them close to the bar with half a dozen fellas nearby.

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