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Thread: the girls confused and its confusing me

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    the girls confused and its confusing me

    i'll keep it short and sweet, i told a girl i like her, she says "i don't like you like that" i start getting lovy ect...couple of days later she says "i had a hot dream about you" then said "im confused", at the moment she doesnt know if she likes me or not, best friend says she does, the girl says shes confused...their both sweet girls, im figuring that her and her friend are trying to spare me my feelings down to the fact that their both really sweet...i don't want to screw this up by asking because i've been talking about her to her best friend all day.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Seattle WA
    Is there some sort of question here?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by bloodtippedrose View Post
    Is there some sort of question here?

    Thought it was clear, whats going on here? with her...she wants me or she doesn't...

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