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Thread: Is This Normal After A First Date?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Is This Normal After A First Date?

    Hey peps! So I will just get straight into it. I have known this girl for a little over 2 months now...We meet up for our first date 3 weeks ago and it was a blast. We got on really well, enjoyed each others company and she even said to me at the end of the night it was the first date she has had where it didn't end up a train wreck. So we planned to hit the cinema on our next meeting. Due to many different things going on such as her graduating from college etc we haven't been able to meet up. Its 3 weeks now and I get the feeling if a fourth week goes by, well its just a long time and she might not want to meet up in the end. She knows already I really like her, but from my point of view I don't know really how she feels towards me as I haven't asked her directly, its something I would like to ask her in person rather than over the phone or even worse through a text. I was hoping to ask her on the 2nd meet. I know she likes me, I am just looking for confirmation cause its leaving me in a state of limbo, not 100% knowing for sure.

    I have rang her a couple of times just to see how she is, and of course sent her a text now and again just so that she knows she is on my mind. I had been setting up days to meet but I told her since she has been so busy over the past 3 weeks and mised opertunities to meet up, that she pick a day and time that suits her. She seemed pleased that I gave her that option. If I dont hear anything back in the coming week what should I do? And also I would love any advice on the best way of asking her as I dont want to spring it out of the air. Maybe you girls out there would be best to answer that one

    Cheers everyone!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    As you said she has been busy so giving her the option of choosing a date was a good idea and the fact she said she enjoyed herself is good, all you can do is wait and see and if you dont hear from her for another week, drop her a casual text asking if she ok and you looking forward to your second date. If she really is interested she will sort it out. Just dont put all your eggs in one basket and to be honest if she doesnt sort a second date out its her loss.
    Good luck

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