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Thread: ConFusing Luv!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    ConFusing Luv!!

    Hey all...
    i am 21 and she's 19... we've been dating for about 2 weeks.. and i told her that i am in love with her.. and she told me that she is in luv too.....
    she loved twice before.... and she left her ex 4 or 5 months ago.. so she told me that usually, every moment, she remembers her lover... but this is not the case with me! sometimes in the day she doesnt feel for me, and sometimes she's crazy about me.. and she told me, when she is with me, she feels that she's totally in love wid me!!!
    she said that might be becoz of her ex!
    i dnt know wat to do... day after day i am loving her more, (and she is too actually). . . but confused about this status.......

    do u think by the time she will be sure about her love to me?
    or otherwise wat???
    althought i am in luv, i am dying dnt want to be broken sooner or later....please suggestions........

  2. #2
    vashti's Avatar
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    I think two weeks is way too early to be saying you are in love with someone and expecting them to feel the same. You guys are *infatuated* at this point. There is nothing wrong with that, so enjoy it. It is more exciting than what follows.

    Why are you looking for trouble after two weeks? Are you trying to scare her away?
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  3. #3
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    Mar 2007
    stop being a sap man, how can you be in "love" after TWO weeks and if she tells you that she is in "love" with you after two weeks - she is lying or ****ing stupid, to be honest you are a grown man now, start acting like one - if you fall head over heels for anyone after 2 weeks after you meet them, be prepared for a lifetime of disappointment

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by vashti View Post
    I think two weeks is way too early to be saying you are in love with someone and expecting them to feel the same. You guys are *infatuated* at this point. There is nothing wrong with that, so enjoy it. It is more exciting than what follows.

    Why are you looking for trouble after two weeks? Are you trying to scare her away?
    i didnt want to tell her so early.... but she forced me to do that....
    i told her long time when we were friends that i dont kiss french unless i have feelings...
    during the date, she kissed me french, and i did so... so after sometime, she asked me: why you kissed me, do u feel for me?.. i didnt reply.. but she told me that my eyes say that i am in luv with her... soo... i told her ya.. and here the story began

  5. #5
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    so did you tell her you loved her because you want a piece of that ass? or is it because you avtually think you are in love? if its the first choice then i take back everything i said....go for it, i dont give a ****.....if its the second one i stand by my first post

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by zro View Post
    stop being a sap man, how can you be in "love" after TWO weeks and if she tells you that she is in "love" with you after two weeks - she is lying or ****ing stupid, to be honest you are a grown man now, start acting like one - if you fall head over heels for anyone after 2 weeks after you meet them, be prepared for a lifetime of disappointment
    thx for ur comment... i forgot to add that i know her 5 months ago

  7. #7
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    even then man, 5 months is no where no long enough to fall in "love" with someone, "love" is not all about the good and happy times, it takes years to develop, its about knowing someone inside and out - knowing all their bad habits and all their ****ed up problems... and still liking them, my advice is take it easy, have some fun, start thinking about this shit when you have been together for at least 2 years... all in my opioion of course...take it or leave it, i dont give a ****

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by zro View Post
    even then man, 5 months is no where no long enough to fall in "love" with someone, "love" is not all about the good and happy times, it takes years to develop, its about knowing someone inside and out - knowing all their bad habits and all their ****ed up problems... and still liking them, my advice is take it easy, have some fun, start thinking about this shit when you have been together for at least 2 years... all in my opioion of course...take it or leave it, i dont give a ****
    really thanks...
    i like the way you analyze things...
    being with her all the time, do u think she will think of being back with her old ex? and wat should i do to let her understand the love needs time to develop?

  9. #9
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    to be honest i am only 22, so i am not very experienced in the love dept - my advice on this is that right now its the "honeymoon" period, where its rosy and all you want to do is **** like rabbits, go ahead mate - have some fun, the real stuff starts in 3-6 months

    Are you hanging out with her all the time, or is she hanging out with the ex all the time? your post is ****ing confusing, if its you thats hanging with her....thats cool its the honeymoone period, if its the ex - then that should be a red flag, she might still not be over him, obviously you are a better judge than me, how the **** would i know, i dont have psychic powers

    How do you let her know that real "love" takes time to develop?? well for me its just logical, but if she really doesnt get it, then tell her - surely its not very hard...common sense really

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by zro View Post
    to be honest i am only 22, so i am not very experienced in the love dept - my advice on this is that right now its the "honeymoon" period, where its rosy and all you want to do is **** like rabbits, go ahead mate - have some fun, the real stuff starts in 3-6 months

    Are you hanging out with her all the time, or is she hanging out with the ex all the time? your post is ****ing confusing, if its you thats hanging with her....thats cool its the honeymoone period, if its the ex - then that should be a red flag, she might still not be over him, obviously you are a better judge than me, how the **** would i know, i dont have psychic powers

    How do you let her know that real "love" takes time to develop?? well for me its just logical, but if she really doesnt get it, then tell her - surely its not very hard...common sense really

    no.. actually wat making me feel great that she's hanging out with me only.... and she thinks of me most of the time.. so i think things need time.. right??? i will give her some time....

    wat about if i told her to be just friends this period???
    and after time, if she discovered that she can't do that without holding hands, kissing,.... bla bla bla.. then she already knows that she's in love with me.
    wat do u think?

  11. #11
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    she cant be in love with you now - its way too ****ing soon, its either lust or she is very easily attatched (which is signs of a psychological problem)

    how long has it been since this ex? if it was really recent (less than a month) then maybe your friend idea has some merit - as she could still be getting over this ex, if not...then no its a stupid idea - just go with the flow mate, stop overanalysing things, see how it goes and DONT tell her you love her, you are lying and leading her on

    have a talk with her, you guys are not in high school in anymore, tell her you dont love her YET... but you really like her and would like to see where it goes, if she cant accept that, then shes either retarded or too immature for an adult relationship

    you still havent answered my question, do you think you are in love?? cause if you do then you would be contributing to this problem, stop wasting time on a ****ing forum and talk to her

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by zro View Post
    she cant be in love with you now - its way too ****ing soon, its either lust or she is very easily attatched (which is signs of a psychological problem)

    how long has it been since this ex? if it was really recent (less than a month) then maybe your friend idea has some merit - as she could still be getting over this ex, if not...then no its a stupid idea - just go with the flow mate, stop overanalysing things, see how it goes and DONT tell her you love her, you are lying and leading her on

    have a talk with her, you guys are not in high school in anymore, tell her you dont love her YET... but you really like her and would like to see where it goes, if she cant accept that, then shes either retarded or too immature for an adult relationship

    you still havent answered my question, do you think you are in love?? cause if you do then you would be contributing to this problem, stop wasting time on a ****ing forum and talk to her
    yea, i think i am in love with her.. coz today i didnt see her at all, and felt i really missed her like hell..

    it was 4 to 5 months since she and her ex left each others...
    btw, u said: dnt tell her that you love her.... the problem is that i did....
    Last edited by Harmony; 16-05-07 at 11:14 PM.

  13. #13
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    Mar 2007
    just because you miss someone, doesnt mean you are in love - missing someone in a new relationship is quite common and a sign of the "honeymoon" period that i mentioned before - you are infactuated with each other, you want to spend every spare moment with her, you want to **** like rabbits, its normal

    exactly the problem is you did tell her and encouraged her irrational behaviour, i think part of the problem is that you believe in you are love in too as well as her, its like dumb and dumber, is this your first gf? surely you have the logic to understand that love takes time to develop and maintain

    If you are so in love, why dont you go get married??? see..i am guessing your answer would be "no, i dont know her well enough" you sound like a smart guy, surely you understand this ****ing concept - do you have married parents or older siblings who are married? go and ask them what "love" is

    how could you rectify your error??? i dont ****ing know, from experience girls are very sensitive to this "love" talk and take it more seriously than guys, you could try saying that you were caught up in the moment or some shit like that, you obviously know this girl better than me - so you decide

    LESSON: know the difference between lust and love, save you alot of headaches

  14. #14
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    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by zro View Post
    just because you miss someone, doesnt mean you are in love - missing someone in a new relationship is quite common and a sign of the "honeymoon" period that i mentioned before - you are infactuated with each other, you want to spend every spare moment with her, you want to **** like rabbits, its normal

    exactly the problem is you did tell her and encouraged her irrational behaviour, i think part of the problem is that you believe in you are love in too as well as her, its like dumb and dumber, is this your first gf? surely you have the logic to understand that love takes time to develop and maintain

    If you are so in love, why dont you go get married??? see..i am guessing your answer would be "no, i dont know her well enough" you sound like a smart guy, surely you understand this ****ing concept - do you have married parents or older siblings who are married? go and ask them what "love" is

    how could you rectify your error??? i dont ****ing know, from experience girls are very sensitive to this "love" talk and take it more seriously than guys, you could try saying that you were caught up in the moment or some shit like that, you obviously know this girl better than me - so you decide

    LESSON: know the difference between lust and love, save you alot of headaches

    thx man for ur advices... and no... its my 4th gf..
    anyway... i will tell u abt future news..
    thx again

  15. #15
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    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Harmony View Post
    yea, i think i am in love with her.. coz today i didnt see her at all, and felt i really missed her like hell..

    it was 4 to 5 months since she and her ex left each others...
    btw, u said: dnt tell her that you love her.... the problem is that i did....
    even if u has told her but it still ok for you to tell her about it explain i mean..cos love don't come so easily i mean the "love" it a feelings that build up and develop between both party but not just by saying it i can also say i love you to anyone =x i also say i love you to my mum of cos i mean it...in 2 weeks time i don't think you can get the feelings "love" there...well maybe she is not that 100% serious i guess maybe she is just young and just simply say it cos you are her new bf i would say when i am that age 18 19 i also did do the same thing cos when said it the gf normally feel happy haha

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