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Thread: Help Me With This Situation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Help Me With This Situation

    OK hey people im new to the board and I want some opinions on this situation I have here. OK i'm a 20 year old male and a couple of months ago I started talking to a 21 year old female, we met on myspace back in july started talking on there then got each others numbers and text for awhile then around the end of August she called me out of the blue for the first time. At this point I wasn't very interested in her I don't know why but I just wasn't but I got the feeling that she was interested in me because she would flirt with me on the phone sometimes, so from then to about mid september we continue to talk but one day I tell her I wasn't ready for a relationship because at the time I didn't think I was. But for some reason like over the next week I start getting strong feelings for her and im like forget it im going to ask this girl out pretty soon and we had set up a little meet up that we were gonna do a week later it wasn't a date but she was going to come to my house and we were gonna just hangout for a bit. Well unfortunately for me on a saturday september 20 she tells me that she had just started a relationship with a guy so im crushed and mad and just don't know what to do at that point so that whole day im just explaining to her that I liked her and was about to ask her out in just a matter of days and she's telling me that she didn't know I liked her like that and I should have said something. So I get over that and the next day she tells me that she will give me a chance but I have to wait until her and the guy breaks up so then I tell her I will give her a month to break up or im out of her life so she agrees and we keep going on and talking for a few more weeks. But in this month we have become so close we talk everyday and she knows how much I like her know because i've told her so many times and I think she believes me know and she promises she's going to give me a chance but im just not sure whats gonna happen, I dropped the one month date because we have clicked so well and im gonna stick it out with her but im kind of confused because her current relationship sucks. She only talks to the guy about once a week and me and her talk way more than she talks to her actual guy but as of right now she is not willing to break up with him yet. So people can you tell me what you think is gonna happen???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Nobody cares huh??? lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    North Dakota
    Sounds to me like you've gotta cut the tie. If you think that her current relationship is bad and yet she wont end it, it sounds like you're almost too good for her.. If she knows you care and wont end it with a guy who's that bad, you are nothing more than a rebound and you shouldn't have to prove yourself. If she had the same feelings for you that you had for her, she'd be with you. I obviously don't know the details BUT i do know it sucks to get close to someone who doesn't seem to want to get close to you..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    shes playing you. girls tend to do that. she just likes having some other guy on the side to wrap around her finger.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Yea thanks for the responses and to add more to the suspicion she recently put a myspace status up that said she was lonely but she won't even tell me what its about and just tells me its nothing....Hmmmmmm....I'll let u people know how things turn out

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    North Dakota
    Well regardless of which direction you go i wish you the best of luck

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