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Thread: Difficult best friend

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Difficult best friend


    I'll just jump straight into it... there's a girl who i really like, and we were together for two and a bit months a little ago, but then we broke up, totally my fault, and i really hurt the girl, but i never really stopped wanting her. And she says she would take me back, the only problem is that she's worried about what her best friend would say. She's already jokingly said that she wouldn't talk to her, but it's the kind of thing that she might do, and i don't want to risk this girl losing her friend because of me. So i'm not sure what to do really, and ideas? Is it maybe best just to leave it?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Best friends should be there to give comfort and advice, not to impose their own choices and will on you.

    If her best friend cuts her off because she didn't follow her advice, then she really isn't her best friend at all.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    My best friend and I parted ways in high school because I got tired of her telling me who to date. It took a super special guy to make me brave enough to stand up to her, though.
    Spammer Spanker

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I agree with the above about her not being a great friend if she's going to try and control who this girl dates.. however, I'm going to have to ask: what did you do exactly?

    I ask because I've been in a situation where I've been cheated on, confided in my close friend, and when I took the guy back that friend sort of gave me hell.. not in a rude condescending way, but more of a "are you seriously going to do this?" sort of way.

    It could be that this girl has a controlling friend.. or it could be that what you did in that short period of time you were together was enough to make her embarrassed to own up to getting back with you to her friend. I know I was definitely embarrassed by it.. which was a sign it wasn't the right choice.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Thanks for all that. I think i might have been too hasty in saying that her friends doesn't like the idea, although we have been both worried about it for a while, she's been constantly making jokes about us being together, but not sure if she actually minds, just isn't showing it, or doesn't mind : /

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