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Thread: How do I (and should I) close the deal?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Midwest (NYC one day)

    How do I (and should I) close the deal?

    After finally putting things with my crazy ex behind me, I realize that I've been off the dating scene for over 4 years, and that, as both of my exes asked me out first, I actually have no experience with starting a relationship.

    I talk to girls who I think are cute in my classes, and i've even asked a few to hang out with me some time, but when I do, despite getting what I believe are signals, I have no idea how to move in. I don't want to say something really cheesy, like "you look so cute right now, I'd really like to kiss you." But I'm afraid that I might be misreading "friend" vibes and I'll embarrass myself, since in the past, the work was done for me.

    I also know that none of the girls I've asked on dates seem like they would be long-term-relationship material, as some are too young (i'm 21 and they're 18 and seem to have so much less life experience) or some aren't smart enough (don't have same interests, read as much or as intellectual of things as I do) don't dress well enough (I take pride in looking good, and I believe the girls I like should hold the same standards) but my female friends tell me that I'm being too picky and I should just start a relationship (as that is what I'm looking for; I love relationships) otherwise I'll never fully move on.

    Any thoughts on what I should do? How I should move in? How I should be certain about signals? If I should start a relationship that I'm not Positive has long-term potential if I think it'll help me move on? I'd really like some suggestions. Thanks so much!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    On a trawler in the Med
    The first woman you have sex with--indeed, the moment of ejaculation itself--will bring all issues to clarity. You will sit there in bed with New Woman and stare at the ceiling and ask yourself, "Why weren't things this clear before?"

    The above paragraph...that's what you need to do at the moment.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I think you need to apply Mishanya's Rule of 10. For every good girl you date, you have to go through nine that don't make the grade.

    Sounds like you just need to date more. Don't jump into a relationship with the wrong person just for the hell of it. Keep dating until you find the right person.
    Spammer Spanker

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