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Thread: who has/have the same problem as mine?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    who has/have the same problem as mine?

    Well the problem is i stilllllllllll cant get over my ex. It's been 2 years since we left each other for nothing but the distance. we just realized its time out - time to end it. Still, i miss him sooo much that i even freak myself out. He told me once to get over the old love is to get a new love. We did find somone else....i had a boyfriend after him for a year but during that year i still constantly thought of my ex....he's just all over me.

    thing is i want to move on. prolly there is solution to the problem maybe time will heal....but how long does it take??!

  2. #2
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    Nov 2004
    I was truly in love with a girl and she left me after we'd been together for 4 years, it took me at least three years to get over it properly and i still think about her every now and then, it does get easier with time trust me but until you find new happiness you will always think back to that time, good luck...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    thats a sad thing to know.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Charming lil country called New Zealand
    i broke up 7 months ago and am still prone to bursting into tears i hope i don't have to wait 2 or 3 years to get over him

  5. #5
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    One reason in which you are not over him is because subconciously, you might not know it but, you don't want to get over him. Maybe conciously you do, but on the inside.......no.

    I'm gonna tell you to do some REALLY crazy stuff.. but I'll explain it:

    All over your body, we have what are called meridian points. Each point hits a nerve and goes back to the brain--telling the brain to execute certain commands, just like a computer. Specific meridian points execute different commands such as {place higher concentration of cells in bladder} or whichever part of the body the meridian tells it to go to. Now, the hands have more or less emotional points.

    The point you're looking for is located right below the socket of your pinky. You can hit this point by having both of your hands facing up, and basically slapping them against each other repeatedly so that your two pinkies collide.

    Now, this specific point works like this: it goes from your hands, into your ears, through the subconcious, and into the brain--back through the same chain into the hands again. Now, when it goes to your ears then the subconcious, your subconcious LISTENS to your ears and will obey the command! Whatever is going on that you can hear will be heard...subconciously

    "I am willing to..."

    You can't just be like "I am will to get a 35 inch penis..." that doesn't work. It has to be a subconcious mental change. In your case you would say "I am willing to move on" or "I am willing to get over him"

    When I was first introduced to this Chinese ritual I said WORD-FOR-WORD
    wtf! how the hell will i get over my ex just by bangin' my ****in' hands together like a retarded lil bitz?
    What I didn't realize, was that 2 weeks later I had COMPLETELY forgotten my ex I was trying to get over!

    This also works with money changes, because income is a result, not a forced number. I did this exercise and subconciously by myself I decided to learn to program with computers--I learned 4 different languages. My programs are coming out and professionals estimate a $4,000 monthly profit and I will retire no later than 25.. if all goes well and I keep programming

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Charming lil country called New Zealand
    You probably do have a point but i do truely want to stop hurting but whenever i think of him my heart burns you know that feeling when you love something so much it hurts and if you read the thread i just wrote you ll see my main problem is that i think he still feels for me.

  7. #7
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    re-read my whole post... just do it. don't date ur ex's.. he's ur ex for a reason

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Bottom Of A Well
    I don't think you can really get over someone, you just love them a different way.
    But if you are constantly seeing this person, that makes it a little complicated.
    I was with my gf for about 6 yrs, and I do miss her from time to time as my gf, but I see her a few times a week, so it's complicated o.O

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    [QUOTE=Jenrick285]I don't think you can really get over someone, you just love them a different way.
    But if you are constantly seeing this person, that makes it a little complicated.

    Exactly. I was with my ex for 11 years, married for 7 and I'm proud of how I moved foward emotionally. But....we still have some loose ends business wise to tie up and have to keep in touch. She brings papers over for me to sign, she stands there with tears in her eyes. Last month I hugged and kissed her, (on the cheek) saying, 'I know.' We talk on the phone (like just yesterday) and I'm depressed all day. It's hard to hang up the phone, even though I had a great date waiting.

    Sometimes, late at night I think about calling her and asking 'don't you have moments?' But it's a silly question as I KNOW she does. It's like that old Burt Reynolds/Goldie Hawn film "I need to talk to my best friend but YOU are my best friend."

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Getting over someone is simple. Just find someone new. You will think about your new significant other so much that you will forget your ex even exists. If you find somebody new and get into a relationship with them, they will (usually) be much more important to you than the ex you left behind. For me, this is the only true cure. Being with someone new made me wonder why I ever asked my ex out to begin with. It made me wonder what I ever really saw in them. And finding someone new is the final step in moving on. Hope this helps.

  11. #11
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    Joe.. guys work differently than girls do.

    Guys are able to get over things.. Girls like to piss and mope about the shit

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Charming lil country called New Zealand
    It depends a lot on how much you care about them. If you love soebody as much as i love my ex then you can't just get over it it took me 5 months before the heart retching pain stopped it's the most terrible feeling fair worse than any other. It does actually quite literally feel like your hearts ripped out. And the dry retchings really terrible did you know that if you cry for a certain amount of time you retch tehe.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Why are these things so sad?

    It makes me want to kill myself. Damn.

    Prozac! Prozac! Prozac!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Charming lil country called New Zealand
    Awww don't be like that as my quote says life is like a fruit cake You have the tasty bits the bitter bits but it's mostly made up of the ok bits and on the outside from what everybody else can see it looks yummy. But a fruit cake is a taste that u acquire just like life you either choose to enjoy it or hate it.

  15. #15
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    You can either hate the rose because it has thorns, or you can love it for the beautiful smell and sight it carries.



    =[LT]sK8eR2gO < n'zizzle >

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