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Thread: Was this too pushy for a business associate?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Was this too pushy for a business associate?

    I've been working closely (yet long distance) with a graphic artist who's doing a great job designing an up-coming book cover for me. I don't remember exactly how it came about, but during a casual online conversation yesterday, she mentioned that she wanted to send me some pics of herself, I said fine, let's trade.

    OMG!!!!!! She's beautiful.

    I sent her the following email back along with some pics of myself. Tell me if this was too pushy....????


    I must say that everytime I see 'Jen' in my email box, I know that there's going to be something pretty to look at, be it a book cover or.....

    You're pics are great! If I may so bold, you have a rare quality.... There are pretty women and then there are cute women. You seem to have a combination of both. Again, rare.

    Nice nails, too, I've never understood why more people (both women AS WELL as men) don't take better care of their nails. It's really quite simple to do. LOL.

    I've attached some pics, they're not the greatest (the better ones are packed, and I'm one of those people that are not all that photogenic anyway, in other words, look better in person) All are within a year except for the airplane pic which is about three years old. (I'm on the left). Bought that flying bucket of bolts at an auction with my friend pictured on the right. We flew it once and sold it for scrap. Note the tin foil in the window and the oil spots on the tarmac. I'm lucky to be alive..... HAHA

    Doggie pics are Rosie at 6 months (at the computer), the black and white one is her at 2 years.

    Let's see if I can get these in order here....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Hey, she said she wanted to send you the pictures right? You did the only honorable thing by sending some back.
    An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Ratfish256
    Hey, she said she wanted to send you the pictures right? You did the only honorable thing by sending some back.
    Guess I did the right thing for once. Just got a nice email back from her this morning (after I made that above post) and she enclosed yet another pic. Musta liked mine.


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