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Thread: In love with a friend, help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    In love with a friend, help!

    It is so that I have known a girl at my work for about six months. We have always gone well together, almost only just as work colleagues.
    Althugh i have always liked her a bit more.

    The problem then was just that she had a boyfriend.

    For just about a month ago, they did however brake up, and only a few weeks after that we started to talk and chat a lot.
    After a while of that we had a really nice evening together, just she and I, with dinner, music listening, etc., on a bridge, and then to go home to her and watch movies etc..
    It did not lead to anything special (I sleept at her place (on her couch)), but it was really nice, and my feelings for her did not exactly become smaller.

    After that, last week and so on, we have only talkt a little, and nothing in recent days, and after a party at the weekend, she had apparently kissed someone there.
    I have also now noticed that she started to meet some new guy (the guy from the party, who knows).

    I am quite convinced that she only sees me as a friend, but I personally could not feel worse. Just the thought of that she had just kissed someone and maybe right now is with another guy makes me really really ready to cry and almost suicidal.

    What should I do?!?!

    If I tell her how I feel about her there probibly is the risk that we are slipping away from each other at work, and I certainly do not want that. And if we glide away from each other there is also no chance in the world that she can start to like me, right?

    Should I still tell her how I feel about her, and sit and hope that the new guy and her is not going so well together, and that she then think of me in a slightly different angle (does that ever happens, except on film?)
    Should I try to make something move in to her, see how she reacts, or any combination, or what should I do?!

    Please please help me!

    (sorry for some of the phrasings, english is not my first languge...)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    first off, you need to relax. almost suicidal? c'mon, you're not married/ in a relationship. i think you do need to drift from this girl if she's making you feel like this. if she's interested, she'll come to you. remember, these kind of things have to go both ways so if she doesn't cme back to you, leave it.
    They called us a dead generation,
    They told us that we wouldn't survive
    They left us alone in the maelstrom
    As you can see we're all clearly alive.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Sorry man, I wish I could help but I like you have had issues in the past with being just friends.
    My current relationship kind of started out as more then just friends.
    My best advice about the suicidal thoughts is talk to a close friend you can vent too or talk to a professional.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    About suicidal, its not really any thing im for real considering, i was just trying to use the best word to explain it...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Hi again.
    Please read this, i konw its long, but i really need advies.
    Sorry for all the missspeld words aswell.

    A little update.
    Ive got some tips and so on from other forums and places where some say that i definetly sounds like im in the "friend zone" and others that i shouldīt tell her, but insted show her, in some way.

    A couple of things have happend sence last time i wrote here.
    One, a couple of days ago, she and i went into the city after work, to shop a little and so on (i paid for a couple of things for her (good/bad idea?)). There we ate at one place, and also had a coffee at a cozy little café.

    We allllmost held hands (maybe just my thoughts though) and we had some nice eye contact, however, I looked at her much more than what she looked back ... Still, afterward we hugged (we have never done before), but it could have been a form of friendhug, I do not know.

    We also, yesterday decided to spend a whole night chatting, despite having to go to work the next morning. What happend there is that i insted went to her in like 2 am and we stayed up and watched a little tv and fell asleep next to eachother for a couple of hours (altough she wasnīt leaning my way when she fell asleep :/ ).

    I guess it sounds a little like there is something there, i donīt know, but in the moment im not at all sure on how it is.
    I mean, if she really is interested, wouldnīt she at least give me the oppertunity to maybe hold her hand and so on? Or maybe shes shy too?

    Iīve also checked around, and heard on other forums, and if it were true that she now only see me as a friend, I should somehow play a little hard to get, but does it really work?
    First of all, I donīt think I could do it in such a long time (probibly not even a week, i obviously want to talk and be close to her).
    And secondly, as I said, does it really work?

    Have also read a bit about trying to change my style a little, so she looks at me in a slightly different light.

    Weīve planned a little "smokedate" again on a Friday in a couple of weeks.
    What do you think about this:
    This week that comes now (where we also planed to have a form of "late night chat"), I play a little hard to get, and "canīt" that night. After that, or maybe even this weekend, I cut my hair (which I still intend to do, hehe), and in smoe way alters me a bit (how?).
    And the week after that I start to approach her a bit more again, but a bit more physical as well.
    Then on that "smokedate" ill try a little bit (so that I can blame it on that I was high, if she donīt responed well to it) to get a bit closer to her, maybe try holding her hand.
    Any tips or changes to that?
    Or do you think i can skip that "hard to get" part entirely? I, as I said, donīt know if I even manage to be "cold" towards her.

    I know it all sounds pretty silly, childish and pathetic, but i have already said that I havenīt had any real experience of something like this, for real, before.

    Please, please help me!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No one who wants to help me? Please, im in deperate need here...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Im sorry if im a little nagy here,but please, doesnīt anyone have any good advies for me?

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