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Thread: question for the ladies

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    question for the ladies

    is it possible to realize that u made a mistake and what someone back? i mean to realize what u had was great and that.u do love that person and that u do what them back?

    if so how long does it take for a girl to realize that?
    and if they do realize that how do they go about getting you back?

    any of you girl ever experienced that? and if so how long did it actually take you to realize that? and can you realize that while you are actually with someone else?

    please any answers would be great...thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    well i guess if it really is the girl's fault and they love that person so much, then it wont take long for them to realize it, but pride can keep them from admitting (based on experience), right after the quarrel i had with my guy, i knew it was originally my fault and admitted it to myself when i cooled down and emotions weren't in the way already but it took me a few day to actually go to the person and admit but i did it anyway coz i love him so much and i can't stand being away for him for so long. You'll know if a girl wants to get you back coz they'll tell you so. Or if not, they'll show it to you and tells you they miss you etc other sweet stuffs and admit their fault and say sorry...
    Well that's how it's been with me...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    thank you... well my girl is really really really stubborn. i mean she has only apologized to me a couple of times. i was wondering how long does it usually take? its been 10 days and neither of us has called each other. we have been broken up for bout a month cause we cant actually be together for 8 months until she moves out( long story) but i mean should i call her or let her come back to me? she is the kinda person out of sight out of mind. so im wondering if i should call her and try to start talking again? the whole reason we arent talking is cause she lied and i found out about it.

    what should i do let her call me or should i try to stick around? this is the longest that we have ever gone without calling each other. (11 days) so im wondering how long does it normally take to realize that it wasnt me that messed up it was her? and how long does it normally take for them to realize that they do love u and want you back?

    any advice is would be great....thank you!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    we havent been together in a month but we hang out do all the same stuff just without the label...and talked about getting back together when she moves out...she said i was the love of her life many times and has said she wants to marry me...then we kinda had our biggest fight and i got really mad at her...i talked to her mom and her mom said she asked her if she had talked to me and she said no that i was to mad and she was going to let me cool off. but that was 5 days ago and still no call. so i guess my other question is how long does a girl thank they need to wait to call me?

    thanks again

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    this is just an option ok? you dont have to do this if you dont want. To make things clear, you could be the one to contact her first. Not to go back to her but to clear things up like if there's still chance for the both of you. Make it clear to her that though you like her a lot, you don't deserve the way she's treating you so you have to let go. Also tell her that you're willing to compromise and give her a second chance if she'll change and wouldn't do it again. But never make it sound like you're pathetic or clingy coz the more she'll take advantage or take you for granted coz she knows you'll always be there for her. Let her know that you've got a life too and you're sure that there'll be other girls who will treat you better. You'll know then that she really loves you coz she wouldn't let go and she'll accept the chance to change and become better than to leave you.
    Just a warning-- some girls may act like martyrs and let you go thinking that you'll be happy with others. So make sure she knows how happy you are with her but hurt with what she has done.
    Good luck.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    u think i should be the one to contact her even know she lied to me? wouldnt seem kinda pathetic to contact her now? shouldnt she be the one to contact me first given the fact that she lied to me and hasnt called to apologize or anything and its been 10 days.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    well if you dont want then dont call her, but if you let pride get in the way, like she did, then you'd have to suffer longer. If in the case you call, dont make it sound pathetic, do it as if you can't take it anymore and you'll break up with her formally, it wont be bad. At least she can't accuse you of cheating when you hang out with a new girl coz you've already ended the relationship formally...

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