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Thread: How did I become the lowest priority on her friend list

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    How did I become the lowest priority on her friend list

    So, I've been in a relationship with this girl for a bit over 3 years now. Everything was going great, talked everyday, everyone in her family loved me, and we were in love, no problems, big vacation plans coming up. Then I guess 2 weeks back, she met some new friends from her study club and religion group (girls and guys) and they all started hanging out often. We both work and her schedule became really full now with the new friends, language classes and clubs. Besides the new friends, she was always busy with these commitments before but we still found time to be with each other the whole weekend and talk everyday.

    However, a week ago, I noticed something was different with her. I know we couldn't see each other or talk as much because she would do things with her friends, which I was fine with. But it seems like something changed with her. The calls slowed down, she wouldn't respond to some of my messages, and it felt like she was busy every minute. 2 days ago we were both free to see each other, but it felt different, like something was on her mind.. but she couldn't say it. We did not kiss, hug or hold hands the entire day. I told her that I miss her, but she responded "I've been busy" and walked away. And she was getting calls from male friends which kinda bothered me the way she was talking to them. She later told me she was considering moving away to another country to learn the foreign language better.. I knew this was what she always wanted to do, so I was preparing for it. Later on I told her that I thought something was different about her, she didn't respond. I told her I had been learning the foreign language as well, so I could move with her... but she didn't respond or even look at me. Then I told her I thought that there was something else shes not telling me. She finally responded and said she didn't want to talk about it now. I went home, we didn't talk the rest of the night. The next day, we emailed each other and she told me she would call that night to talk it over, I waited but instead she texted me later that she couldnt talk because she was out with a friend watching a movie, but tomorrow we'll talk. I didn't respond, and we didnt talk again yesterday. Today she emailed me and told me about the movie and how work sucks. I went along with it a bit, but we didn't talk for long. No call yet today.

    So I don't know whats going on. Things can change so quickly in a few days. I think it is over now as this past week shes been treating me and talking to me more as a friend than companion. Still waiting for the final verdict, but it feels like maybe her new friends have made her realize how much better her life can be, or she met someone new, or she wants to be free and single since she started enjoying clubbing again. She knows I'm kinda upset, and I've basically cut communication with her and preparing for the breakup recovery. But I don't know if that is what I should be doing. Maybe I should try and surprise her with gifts and just talk to her about happy things, and maybe rekindle our relationship by showing her how much I care about her. Or should I just give up now and keep going forward with the "getting through a break up phase".

    Sorry for the super long post if you stayed this far. Also, side issue, booked a big intl vacation in 2 months... what to do now?

  2. #2
    vashti's Avatar
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    Don't send gifts. It sounds like she is getting ready to make some big changes in her life; your gifts would only be interpreted as pathetic. Wait until she says her peace, and if you still want to buy her a gift (because things are good), then go ahead.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

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