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Thread: Dissapointment, Unsureness, Advice? Please!?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Dissapointment, Unsureness, Advice? Please!?


    Ok...so it began about 2-3 years ago, i met this girl when my cousin set us up on a blind date. We went out for awhile, it was good i guess...then we broke up not that long after going out. So its been like 3 years since i have seen or even spoke to her, i knew i would never forget her, never. So im over my sisters house, and she calls there, she talks to my sister for about 2 minutes then she wants to talk to me, i thought, sweet! We talk for awhile catching up on things and what not....then we agree to meet at my sisters to eat thanksgiving dinner and hang out, the day before thanksgiving i call her and she gives her bro ten bucks to come get me from my house and drive me home, i thought that was a little wierd...but she is working 2 jobs and going to school. So i go over her house and its a little awkward as you might suppose...since it has been so damn long...and so many fanticies of meeting her agian..so we are over there and nothing happens..we just chill out and watch t.v. for awhile...then i get that ride home from her brother. When i get home she calls me and we did a little talking, she asked me what i thought of her, i said she was hot and beautiful. Remmember that this is the day before thanks giving, i tell her that ill call her tommaro about going to my sisters for thanks giving....she agreed to go a few times cause i really like her and insisted on it. So its the day that she was supposed to go over my sisters house and eat and hang out...i call her up and she said that she was a little tired and not feeling that well...then she said that she will be ready to go over my sisters house around four o'clock. Then i tell her that we are not going over there because there eating then leaving right away and it will be one big rush....she says ok. Then i ask her if she still wants to come over, she says yeah but she will call me later cause she wants to get some sleep. I wait and wait for her to call...getting more dissapointed by the second...she never calls..so i call her back later and her brother says she is not there...that leaves me puzzled. So now its the day after thanks giving and i look on my caller I.D. to see that she called at eleven o'clock AM. I was still sleeping, so i call her back and i get her brother..he asks me if she can call me back..i said yeah, i never get a call back. So i call later and she says she asks if she can call me back in a minute..i said ok...she calls me back and we talk for like maybe a minute, then she says she will call me back later because she is watching a movie in bed...and yet she doesnt call............I feel like she is messing with my head and its driving me and my emotions insane...i want to have a real relationship with her...did not tell her yet tho, she has no boyfriend but has had a shitload in the past, along with partying and shit. I cant get her out of my head and i dont want to either...if anyone has any advice i would appreciate it so damn much!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    In front of this screen.
    Easy there killer. Remember something - You are wanting a "real relationship" with this broad, but are expecting it to happen in the span of about 72 hours.

    Slow down bud. Take a "chill pill" or smoke something. It's gonna be cool, just dont do what a lot of people do and freak out right away.

    First things first - How old are you guys?

    Why did you break up in the first place?

    Anything else happen in that conversation when you told her she was "beautiful and hot" and all those other wonderfully romantic things that girls love to hear?

    Maybe, just maybe, you have been thinking about this girl quite a bit over the past few years and have built her up to be this Venusian Goddess. You are going to have to get to know her all over again, and that takes patience.

    So for now, lay off the speed dial, and give her some time to call you back. The last thing you want to do is make her think you are some sex-crazed stalker with pictures of her on your ceiling.

    Trust me, things will work out in the end. Either you will realize that she isnt really the greatest girl in the world that you thought she was, or this time next Thanksgiving you guys will be together again.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    She is 16 and im 17, your right, i did build her up in my mind as a goddess....when i met her agian i found out she smokes... I dont smoke and cant stand cigerattes, i dont give a shit if she smokes...dont know why really..maybe its cause i like her so much..she drives me crazy!...

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