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Thread: Really confused, is he playing hard to get or is he just lazy?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Really confused, is he playing hard to get or is he just lazy?

    We have known each other for 6 months. We spoke 3 days ago on the phone and on MSN. He was saying how he liked me, that he missed me, and wanted to be more than friends and I agreed. Although I said we'd talk about it more in person. He is so sweet, beautiful and down-to-earth, there's just one problem - he won't reply to my texts! On Monday I suggested that I could meet with him yesterday, he was all for the idea. So Tuesday night I messaged asking if he still wanted to catch up.. no reply. I also invited him out that night because I was going out with some friends. Yesterday morning before I was about to catch the train I sent another text just saying I was about to leave uni and could meet with him if he was free. He didn't reply so I just carried on home.

    I know I haven't done anything wrong, and he's definitely interested in me. He says he'd like to be with me for a very long time. We just click when we're together. But why does he do this? His first language isn't English so maybe that has something to do with the not-texting. But he could easily call me? Why at least wouldn't he sent me an FB message or call saying sorry, I was busy.

    It makes me so frustrated! I wish I could see him more often but his communication is not the best. What should I do? I don't want to continue sending messages because I don't want to seem like I'm worried about it or clingy. But if the relationship isn't going to go anywhere, there's no point! The same thing happened a few weeks ago, I hadn't heard from him from over 2 weeks (even though I sent him a text) and when we eventually he said he thought I'd forgotten about him?

    Thanks for your help!

    Do you think I should ask if he's getting my texts? But if he receives my calls, you'd presume he'd be getting my texts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    "The same thing happened a few weeks ago, I hadn't heard from him from over 2 weeks (even though I sent him a text) and when we eventually he said he thought I'd forgotten about him?"

    Sounds like he doesn't use texting much, and possibly doesn't recognize the "message received" sound on his cell phone. Next time, try an IM on MSN or (gasp) a phone call!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Judging from what you said, it sounds like he may not even be seeing these texts. Yeah, ask if he's getting them, and if so, why he doesn't reply to them (don't be accusatory.) I'm surprised you haven't asked him this before. It could be something as simple as he has test messaging blocked on his phone, or something.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    If you don't speak English as a first language it can make things different. My GF is French and French is not my native language - I feel more comfortable communicating either face to face or via MSN - feel less comfortable on the phone

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