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Thread: Need help! Very tough situation.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Need help! Very tough situation.

    My wife and I split up back in september. I began seeing someone else at the end of november. my wife started seeing someone around the middle of december. about 3 weeks ago i realized how much i love my wife and decided to do my best to get back together with her. i broke it off with the girl i've been seeing imediately. my wife was going through a bit of a rough patch with the guy she was seeing so her and i spent and few great nights together. that was short lived because she feels that i am not sincere when i tell her i how much i lover her. she immediately flip flopped on me and told me she wanted nothing to do with me. so she went back to the guy she was seeing for a couple more days. within week and a half she started coming around again and decided we should get back together (taking it really slow). however, this guy she has been seeing is apparently a total psycho and will not stop calling her and has apparently told her he would kill me if she ever comes back to me. naturally i laughed at her when she told me this and said i would take care of it. then she really flipped because she is convinced this man is capable of actually doing it. she does not want me confronting this guy. she feels like she is responsible for leading him on too quick. now i have seen all of there texts back and forth where she has tried to end it with him and he will not back off. i told her she needs to call the cops when he does his drive bys and his unannounced visits and eventually take out a restraining order. she disagrees because she feels sorry for him and is scared of what he could do. She has asked me to give her two weeks to let her keep seeing him so she can let him end it with her yet she has no plan on how to do that. I love my wife more than anything in this world and have agreed to do this even though i would love to confront this guy and get it over with.

    Here is my question....am i being crazy for letting this happen? i am so screwed up right now thinking that my wife wants to come back to me yet she is still spending time with another man. as i write this she just called me and told me that he was there and she hated that. does this even sound like it will work?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Crazy for "letting" it happen? No, because you can't control what she does. Crazy for sticking around while she still associates with a guy who threatened to murder you? Yeah.

    I'm not sure how she thinks the guy will magically become sane and go away quietly in two weeks. If she doesn't currently have the balls to tell someone to **** off, then she won't in two weeks, either.

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